Loved this!
I learned a lot about language assessment. ;)
I think this would appeal to book groups. My first Ann Hood. Not my last.
Litsy friends, I've been consumed with this trio for school. Hoping to get back to my regular reading schedule soon!
Scandalous and snarky. Listened to this on audio and was well narrated. Not my usually read but really enjoyed it. Made my commute bearable and found myself wanting to drive around - I hate driving! Truman Capote was such a little snake and a weasel.
You slay me with your words Grushin! Hit or miss for many but a ginormous mind blowing, soul crushing experience for me. I will pay the library fines to hold onto it a bit longer. I need my own copy to transfer the hundreds of flags I used. Another fave for 2016.
This was beautifully written and my first Swift novel. It can be read in one sitting and follows Jane, a servant, and Paul, an upperclassman after an afternoon tryst. A tad bit redundant at times. About self discovery and choices and life...Could have been longer than 170 pgs!
I love my weird, dark and gorgeously written shorts. Especially from authors I'm new to. Another fave for the year!
P&P is one of my faves so I'm a little judgy but gave this a try. I don't usually read retellings but Sittenfeld captured what each character would be like in modern day. It's not pretty but the Bennets were no prize in the original. Needed a bit more swooning. Time for a Firth/Macfadyen marathon.
No. No we are not. That's my answer to this title after reading this (textbook). De Waal knows his stuff! In order to understand animal intelligence scientists have to use better tests. I ended up skimming parts but it's really interesting overall. Definitely check out his TED talk. It's excellent.
I struggle with poetry but this little book is so much more.
One of the best short story collections I've read this year. Maybe ever. Dark and anxiety provoking but balanced with light in such a way that blew me away. Stunning, gorgeous prose. A new fan of Parker!
Out today (5/31/16) Before The Fall by Noah Hawley. A page-turning thriller/mystery about a plane crash with two survivors that I can't put down.