It isn't a quote. It's a poem. But it touched a part so deep, I can just feel the sorrow.
I just finished the book and wanted to tell everyone, "Read it!" One of the best I have read. The book mentions Judaism and Christianity quite frequently as it is about a rabbi. However, it talks about acceptance, open-minded ness and humanity. Love it. This is the only book which reflects my thoughts about religion. Believe in your own religion and be open-minded enough to accept other religions.
It isn't a quote. It's a poem. But it touched a part so deep, I can just feel the sorrow.
"Mom, you're not listening with your eyes."
How many of us have done that?
It is when you no longer feel pain that you suffer the worst injuries.
You know how some would say, if you don't feel it for the book you can choose to put it down. After reading 3 chapters of the book, I was ready to put it down but something kept telling me to continue reading. I am glad that I did it. Some parts were abit too much for me because I tend to visualise what I read. But the thin line between life and death and the fragility of life itself can be felt through out the book. Do give it a try. :-)
I took a very long time to finish this book. It's not because the writing was draggy. It's because I didn't want to miss any important point. When I finished this book, I felt motivated. Michelle Obama has written the book in a way that there isn't too much politics but at the same time not too little too. She made sure to highlight those in power are people too and they experience uncertainties every day. It's a must read. It will uplift you.
I resonated with this on a personal level. The things women go through every single day.
"These things injure us. They sap our strength. Some of the cuts are so small they‘re barely visible. Others are
huge and gaping, leaving scars that never heal. Either way, they accumulate."
One of best psycho thriller I have read. I coud not put the book down till I was done with it. And you know it is a good book, when you cannot stop thinking about it even after many days.