We will find out soon enough :(
Also feminists who are also academics in other areas, because a more free academy helps all disciplines.
I won't quite make #24in48 due to prep today and a trip tomorrow, but I can use it as an excuse to read some graphic memoir!
One page in and one of those causally racist moments from a book from 1903 where I can't tell if the author is trying to be respectful and failing or what.
Now I'm basically Athos' age I find his "secret" 2000% grosser than when I was 12 and obsessed with this book.
Primary document excerpts from Gertrude Bell's letters and diaries with commentary from one of her biographers. A good pick!
"Yes, the whites were as miserable as their black victims, I thought. If this country can't find its way to a human path, if it can't inform conduct with a deep sense of life, then all of us, black as well as white, are going down the same drain..."
It's one of those days where to turn away only perpetuates the violence.
Saturday afternoon at the laundromat.
And where's the follow up source saying these "racial" categories are some BS thought up by some people trying to justify colonialism?? I know this book is about identifying missing persons, but this is lazy science reporting. *eyeroll*
Book about women's diary literature from American westward expansion comes out swinging.
So far so creepy...little dialogue and the parts about the kidnapper being in second person make for a very claustrophobic story!
"But here's the thing--what's crazy about killing a woman in a culture that tells you women's lives are worth nothing?"
After the shooting on Sunday, replace the word woman with any LGBTQ+ identity and that paragraph is just as relevant.
How little academia has changed....