Up next. Have you read this?
Up next. Have you read this?
This has been on hold so long at my local library I cannot remember who recommended it. was it you?
We are all responsible for creating these brave safe spaces and dismantling the systems that perpetuate trauma -
I had to wait forever to borrow this book from my local library. Great way to start my reading list for 2022. . Due in 8 days.
Finished. But had to start over 😂. No fault to the book. I couldn‘t remember who was who and what was what. And missed key points. This sometimes happens with an audio book when I‘m multitasking or listening in bed.
This is such an American story. A coming of age story. A global impact story. A family story. With emotion and life lesson tossed though-out the pages. Interesting story based on a true and tragic plane crash in 2001 after 9-11.
When you read a book that doesn‘t include Covid 19 you get a glimpse of how innocent and free we use to live. This book right here? You will be thinking about when you are not reading. The tension. The assumptions. The stereotypes . The fact that the book stems from a real life stories. Read it. Also this was my first #JodiPicoult book. Those of you who know her and live her work, what would you recommend?
Ok - let me start with a confession. I‘ve seen most of seasons of both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. So I already loved the premise of this book. I am also thick and know what it‘s liked to deal with parts of society who think thick beauty is not main stream beauty. But even if you aren‘t a fan of the franchise - you will enjoy this book. It‘s funny and romantic and relatable. We all need a bit of escape and romance and fashion. Right? Enjoy!
Tabitha Walker and her circle of family and friends are worth getting to know. The book reads like a slice of life. This will be a series of three books. Yes to modern day black girls embracing and navigating womanhood and life. Welcome to the main stage, Jayne Allen. What a great first novel. And remember: If a man ain‘t got a plan for you, he ain‘t your man.
Oh my. What a book. Yes! Kiese thank you for your transparency
Wow. This is the book you will continue to think about long after you finish the book. Evelyn Hugo lived her life fully and on her terms. Monica is her biographer and gets to know Evelyn well and hear about the whys and why not‘s of all her marriages.