I'm a sucker for circuses and anything resembling them. This looks so enticing that I couldn't resist even though I tried to put myself on a book buying ban!
I'm a sucker for circuses and anything resembling them. This looks so enticing that I couldn't resist even though I tried to put myself on a book buying ban!
"The reference made to an owl by the girl ... may indicate the presence of what are now commonly referred to as 'masking memories,' that is, a memory constructed by the mind... to supplant a real and much more disturbing encounter with something that also possesses over sized eyes." This book makes 25 years worth the wait. #twinpeaks #owlcave
The perfect companion for a show cut too short! It has writings from all the character and completely in character journal entries. It's my favorite I've had in a while. #gravityfalls #trustnoone
I read this book in four hours, I didn't sleep, eat, or really do anything until I finished this and got to the sequel!
So one of the main characters in this book is named "Kaitlyn" and may or may not be a demon. Is it vain that I was interested because of the name share? ?
"When you're this high up, there's no where to go but down." So far this book is deliciously juicy, placed in a future where the higher the floor determines your status in a futuristic NYC, there's an amazing ensemble of characters that engage the reader at every turn. I'm only on page 140 but I have a feeling I'll be finishing this quicker than I thought!
Clementine wasn't willing to wait for me to finish the book, but oh my gosh! This is so good! I'm in love with it, the only thing I would've changed is to have made it longer. Everything happens so fast! I wish it could've been spread out so I could've enjoyed it all the more. It's got the makings of a great YA novel, post apocalyptic setting, steampunk influence, and lots and lots of secrets. Check it out!
This book is absolutely fascinating so far. It's a post apocalyptic world that's delightfully steampunk. It gets extra points from me for quoting Carousel of Progress too. 😊
A much loved kindle case, made in the image of one of my favorite classics. I hope I can find another one like this when mine falls apart!
Loved, loved, loved this book! What a great retelling of Jane Eyre! It's dark but so relatable.