I am loving this book!!!
A Maureen Lee book is like having a bowl of your long gone Nana's soup. The warm caring memory attached to it makes you just glow inside. The Kelly Sisters was not a disappointed. I haven't read Maureen Lee in a while and I pleased to see the style of writing hasn't changed. I will always remember the sisters. The story takes you in so many directions with the root being family and love. A perfect lazy day read.
Where to start with this book. As you read you are slowly consumed by the story. The pace is perfect you eagerly yearn for more. It takes over your mind the characters make you nervous you have no idea who to trust. As you sink deeper and deeper you can smell your surroundings and read on the each of your seat. The Norwegian tone is refreshing it's a new style I haven't read before. This books brings something meaty and juicy to the book table!
A gritty thriller that has you shouting at the book. Your immediately drawn into this horridly dysfunctional family. Casey Kelleher puts you right smack bang in the room. You can smell your surroundings and you desperately want to help. Your only power is to take a deep breath and turn the page!
If your looking for a thriller that keeps you guessing till the end then this is your pick!
I eagerly want to read more and more of Casey Kelleher
I loved the cover of the book and the title. That's what grabbed my attention first. It's easy reading, the words flowing with no difficulty and not overly descriptive which I find drowns a book.
The idea of Iris knowing her daughters were at odds and wanting to fix it was beautiful.
Overall a good book with a very important message.
I enjoyed this book, it's large but don't let that put you off. The journey is worth it.
Set in America the knock on affect of a terrible tragedy have interesting consequences for one little boy Theo. Once I stared this book I was hooked. I needed to know what happened. The pace of the book is needed and the author Donna Tartt gives us time to grasp the gruesome and horrid events that this little boy has to deal with.
I was eager to read this novel after seeing Rowan Coleman's youtube video about the book. After reading the book jacket I was nervous. It was our Book Club Pick on Facebook. I was thinking is this going to be a book that made me sad and down. However I jumped in and I was hooked. It's not a book that makes you sad. It makes you realise how blessed each moment is. It makes you think about your own life and it's importance.
The easy flow of writing