“Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don‘t feel anything at all.”
“Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don‘t feel anything at all.”
"We get power by taking it"
NO WORDS. If I thought The Cruel Prince was a wild, dark, and twisted ride, it was nothing compared to the earth-shattering, jaw-dropping, cannot breathe, experience that is Wicked King. Yes, experience, because this book is AN EXPERIENCE. Picking up shortly after the events of Cruel Prince, we see Jude learning the lesson that no matter how hard it is to attain power, keeping it is even harder.
“My letters are for when I don't want to be in love anymore. They're for good-bye. Because after I write in my letter, I'm no longer consumed by my all-consuming love...My letters set me free. Or at least they're supposed to.”
"We get power by taking it"
NO WORDS. If I thought The Cruel Prince was a wild, dark, and twisted ride, it was nothing compared to the earth-shattering, jaw-dropping, cannot breathe, experience that is Wicked King. Yes, experience, because this book is AN EXPERIENCE. Picking up shortly after the events of Cruel Prince, we see Jude learning the lesson that no matter how hard it is to attain power, keeping it is even harder.
"Love is a noble cause. How can anything done in the service of a noble cause be wrong?"
When aren't I reading this book? (Currently on round 4)
"I'll always miss you. Even when I'm a ghost."
"Because you're like a story that hasn't happened yet. Because I want to see what you will do. I want to be part of the unfolding of the tale."