This book hurt to read. Parts of it made me cringe. Parts made me cringe because their truth sucker punched me in the gut. Short, but full. Recommend.
This book hurt to read. Parts of it made me cringe. Parts made me cringe because their truth sucker punched me in the gut. Short, but full. Recommend.
I would love to stay on the couch until I finish this book! So good. What a life Didion has led!
I'm really liking this one! And a new drink--White Russians (yes, I recently rewatched The Big Lebowski)
Didion has such a way with words! Beautiful companion piece to The Year of Magical Thinking. I couldn't put it down, but I wanted to savor every word she said.
I really wanted to like this. And I did, most of the way through. The two friends' attitudes and concerns towards their own lives and the life of the other was totally realistic. Until marriage and babies come along. At that point, I started skimming. The worst part was that the characters were reduced to cliches. The one with kids let herself go and the one without forgot the kid's party. I loved the look at how friendship changes, though.
Such a good point! Too often I wind up reciting the "catechism" as opposed to having an actual conversation. I should probably work on that...
I'm just going to stay curled up all day. So glad I decided to start this one!
I liked the movie, so I really, really, really thought I'd like the book even more. But it was such a slog! Good parts, to be sure, but it was feeling more like a chore than a pleasure after 200 pages. Maybe someday.
I really enjoyed the style of this memoir. Clancy has a really unique voice and I cannot wait to read what she produces next. That said, I've never been to New York, nor do I know anyone from New York, so I'm sure some of the nuances were lost on me.
My goodies from Santa. Now I must decide what to read first!
LOVED this collection! I've never been big on short stories and I really don't know what made me pick up this collection, but I am so glad I did. Holmes creates wonderful snapshots of these characters' lives. I really hope she writes more.
I might be procrastinating on studying for that last final, just a little bit...
I'm having a really hard time finding a book to help get me through finals. Maybe some essays will do the trick.
Giving this one a shot. Fingers crossed!
Normally I'm not a fan of dystopian stories. However, this one was amazing! It was smart and (scarily) relevant today.
Perfect Sunday morning!
"We lived, as usual, by ignoring. Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it." Sadly true.
Loved this book! I stayed up way too late to finish this one. I really liked the concept. Beautiful story.
I thought I'd pick this one up again. I'm going to have to remember I have tons of homework so I can't read all day.
Love, love, loving my new badass book club tee!
I want to start running. Hopefully this (and my new shoes) will motivate me!
Don't tell anyone I'm not doing homework...Sssshhhhhh
I've done my yoga. Now it's time for coffee and reading...until football. :)
Between the intro and the first essay, I've laughed out loud more than not. Can't wait to see what else Amy has to say!
What more can be said that has not already been said? I really enjoyed this story. I loved the switching perspectives that picked up the thread of the plot in a different place. And I love how it returns to itself in the end. Definitely recommend!
I'm enjoying this one soooo much! I can't wait to finish to see how it all plays out.
No better way to spend the bulk of a Saturday! (OK--maybe I watched a bit of Friday Night Lights too)
I like to think that if I wound up raising my godsons, the Auntie Mame books are what our lives would be like. :)
I really enjoyed reading about the messy relationships of the characters. None were perfect, but they all worked for those in them. I was worried the novel wouldn't tie it all together, but it finally did. Interesting characters.
I've lived here my whole life and I don't get it either. Maybe I'm secretly a Parisienne...
Sigh. Such a good book. Didion does a beautiful job of recounting the first year after her husband's death. Full of insight and wisdom. Truly lovely.
Apparently, I just can't quit Joan. I am prepared to cry over this one...
Taking a break from a chunky novel in order to read some more by Didion. I love the atmosphere she creates in her writing. It's like having several bourbons with a great friend.
Taking a break from a chunky novel in order to read some more by Didion. I love the atmosphere she creates in her writing. It's like having several bourbons with a great friend.