Loving the new book club pick!
Loving the new book club pick!
First 2/3 of the book = 5 stars. I fell in love with sanjau and her desperate plight and then I love Isaac even more. The evolution of the characters and re-introduction of new ones felt seem less until Sunjau stopped being the main character. I feel so much more clear on the role of Koreans within Japanese society. I also loved the metaphor of the pachinko games...and the character's lives. Some of it felt like pure chance and some divine.
Loved it! Great piece of historical fiction. Really more about Camille Pissaro's mother than himself...but also about them both. They were far more alike than Different. The audiobook had rich narrator's but Hoffman's storytelling is haunting.
In the pouring Rain I have discovered Anne Lindbergh!
You couldn't see love, or touch it, or taste it, yet it could destroy you and leave you in the dark, chasing after your own destiny.
Please be over. I've been slugging through it. Inspirational but dry and I'm not having fun😍!
Lovely story with beautiful writing. How Towles made a book about one place interesting is beyond me. Creative and informative about Russia and its changing political climate. It left me feeling hopeful for my characters futures but also content not to know what paths lay in store.
Loved it! Well written and engaging.
Love love loved this book. The audiobook's narrator is masterful and her southern accent captivating. This is a story that stayed with me.
What a sweet book with well developed themes and a strong protagonist. A clever old people love story that was enjoyable. Unfortunately I found the audiobook a bit tedious and I didn't like it as much as her second book or The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper although the writing was stronger in this book. However it was a feel good book that left me guessing until the end.
Race in America is at the forefront. Racism has become casually accepted overnight. How could Picoult have known the election outcome? But she hit the nail on the head. I thought Picoult illustrated the white privilege most of us take for granted. We assume equality as whites bc we have never faced a world where we didn't feel equal. Or where cards weren't stacked in our favor. I had lost faith in Picoult and stopped reading her novels years ago.
So torn between 3 and 4 stars but I just loved this story. It took me on so many adventures and made me want to strike out on my own as Arthur did. At one point I didn't like the way it was going but it surprised me and it filled me with joy to see Arthur find himself on the journey to discover his wife. ❤❤
I did not expect to fall in love with these characters. I was sad when I found out It was about pre-world war 1. Bc I'm a ww2 buff. I ❤ the poet piece because I didn't know the world lost a great many poets in this war. War is still sad.People are still people and they can break in a million ways. Also people have great capacity for meanness but also love. At the end of all great wars is always sadness yet in ruins we find love. ❤
It's getting weirder. I still enjoyed the book but I'm not sure I can take all the weird. May or may not be my last Anita Blake.
Wow! Now that is a book club book! I loved the interpretation of the underground railroad as an actual railroad. It gave it a mystic quality. The writing is superb and the hero Cora lit up my life with her determination and love for almanacs. One of the best books of my reading year! I highly recommend it! I did the audiobook version and loved it! Great narrator!
A great period piece ruined by predictable ending. It could have been wonderful but alas the author tied it too neatly in bows and let the plot ending just plop dead on the floor without thought.
Zelda Fitzgerald was a woman before her time. Firmly rooted in who she was and Unafraid. I'm not sure she was at her best with Scott but he certainly was at his best with her. I think her influence and later contributions to his work kept him in the literary circles. It seemed convenient to claim mental illness rather than allow her to steal the spotlight. I was also shocked to hear how Hemingway played a role in destroying Scott and his marriage.
Wow. I am so inspired. This author has strengthened my resolve that we must fight oppression. And if everyone stands silent who will be left to fight? A moving story that will leave you stunned by your privilege. Love the line "we all have our own deserts to cross". 4 stars only because the audiobook reader too awhile to get used to!
Cute quirky book for outlander fans everywhere! I feel like there wasn't too much Jamie and Claire. It left me with a smile on my face although it was predictable like many cutesy novels. Fun easy read. I'm ready to lace up my tennis shoes and head to Scotland to find my Jamie!
I was surprised by how much I loved this 4th installment of the outlander series. It was definitely different from anything I ever expected but really loved the new twists and turns. It was a lot less as our Jamie and Claire although Fergus seemed far too absent. Several of the twists were small nuggets in a massive story but were intriguing. I hope there are more small instances of time travel. Diana Gabaldon is a master storyteller of this time.
Admittedly I never knew Beryl Markhum or her incredible story. It seems her history was erased from the pages and there was only room for one major fly girl and that was Amelia. I love that her story transported me to Kenya and a time when women had few choices. Beryl was a force to be reckoned with....and she carved a space for herself in an unquestionable man's world. Loved the audiobook! The accent and words were beautiful and I loved it!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book where the character makes poor choices in a 100 different ways but miraculously lives again and again thus righting past/present/future wrongs. It can get a bit tedious as some of the stories get repetitive but I found the intricate character flaws in ursula's lives fascinating because she subsequently redeems herself. Ursual was hero both hero and victim. Redeemer and redeemed.
This book was a long boring listen on audio. I was disappointed in this Pulitzer Prize winning author who produced Olive Kitteridge. I just hated it and it was very forgettable.