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This is a pretty lively summary of readings about discoverers and “discoverers”, explorers and mapmakers. Inherently a volatile mix of political chicanery, the hubris of men that think it‘ll be fun to sail off the edge of the world, scurvy, occasional deaths by polar bear, and the vicissitudes of pre-industrial economics, expansionism, and mercantilism, I found myself grimly laughing at all these misadventures.

Read it.


I actually enjoy reading the correspondence of various writers — and Bruce Chatwin‘s is no different. In fact I enjoyed it as much as reading his collected articles, “What Am I Doing Here”

If you‘re not generally inclined towards letter reading then this won‘t be for you. But I find reading about the various trips they took, what they thought about people and events, all of that can be very entertaining.


Whew. Fascinating, grim (how would it not be), but a solid read. I‘m about halfway through, and have also been enjoying the historical context the author provides — social and political status of all the people on board, how unbearably crowded it was, the influence of the Thirty Years War on the soldiers on board, etc.

rwmg I don't know where you're based, but have you seen the remains of the Batavia in the Shipwreck Museum just outside Perth, Western Australia? 2w
Kinniska I‘m a Yank up in the New England area, and I haven‘t as yet gotten to explore anywhere in Australia, but I hope to do so while visiting friends in NZ some day. I saved the museum that holds collected items from the wreck to my Google maps list. 2w
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I actually enjoy nonfiction graphic novels — it‘s like all the enjoyment of nonfiction with the marginalia (illustrations, editorial commentary) writ large.

There are several threads in this memoir and it was a fascinating process to walk along with her ruminations over the course of a commuting day.


I picked this title up after it was referenced in a couple other travelogues. He goes on foot, has some of the languages and adopts numerous others, and ends up staying on in Central Europe, living there many years after, until the war.

He alternates among easygoing narrative, charming descriptions of the people he encounters, & florid architectural descriptions.
Skim the architecture, but don‘t miss the footnotes! So many unexpected anecdotes.


Looking forward to reading this… although with some trepidation— after having just read the authors account of the ocean gate disaster


Although the disaster (warned of for years by basically everyone else in that industry) was a tough read, the history and current state of exploration in the ocean are fascinating.

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Serendipitous read — picked up this title for my mother to read, (I supply her with library books along with groceries and other errands now that she has given up driving). I didn‘t bring any book with me when I came to help her; she‘s recuperating and sleeping, I picked up this title to read while I‘m staying with her. I‘ve read another John Gimlette title, “Elephant Complex” about Sri Lanka, it was excellent. Looking forward to this read.

Chrissyreadit Welcome to litsy!! My bio has a link with info about using litsy too. 1y
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Solid way to open a discussion on mercenaries and the Hundred Years War. I especially liked the bit about the blind king of Bohemia insisting on riding into battle entangled with some loyal but benighted cavalrymen. This is what made me snort tho:

“Lying facedown in the mud encased in seventy pounds of armor was a disadvantageous position to be in.”

Well, you don‘t say!

Mitch Hey! Welcome to Litsy - the best bookish corner of the internet! 1y
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