Good book, enjoyed the ending. I love some happy endings!
This was a quick, fabulous read. I enjoy love stories and this definitely qualifies. It made me nostalgic for first love, young love. Definitely recommend.
I haven't read this book in years, but it kept cropping up in my mind. I read it again this weekend and fell in love with it all over again. A very nostalgic read for me. Reading September by Rosamunde Pilger next.
I finished this book last weekend. Still not sure what I thought about the ending. I had a hard time relating to Kelsea in the first two books and this book wasn't much better. I'm glad I finished the series, but not sure I will be re-reading this series in the future.
Alright, I must admit that I have never read this book. It was not required reading in any of my English classes in high school. I frankly never considered reading it, until I was searching for something to read in the digital library. I thought I would give it a try. I must say, I was impressed. I enjoyed it more than I thought would. I am tempted to read the sequel to the book, just to see how Scout turned out.
This was a good retelling of Beauty and the Beast for teenagers. I also read the novella Lindy's Diary which is a good companion piece. This book is part of a series, I will have to check out the other books that go with this one.
Fans of the Hunger Games will like this book and the second book in this series, the Glass Sword. A dystopian story with a female heroine who is always willing to sacrifice herself for those she loves. It was a bit predictable but overall a good read. The third book in the series will be released in February 2017.
Just finished this book. Not typically my style, I prefer happy endings. However, it was a satisfying read.
This book was intense. Sad story of WWI that made me very depressed for the people of the world. Like all other Jojo Mayes' books, this one was a wild ride and involved a happy ending. I will have to give it a thumbs up.
This was an excellent read. It is amazing to me the sacrifices people make to care for the people they love.
Another day, another Sophie Kinsella book. This one also had many cringe worthy moments and I must admit I have a problem relating to her female characters. They do things I would NEVER do! I stuck it out and finished it because I knew there would be a happy ending, and I was right!
There were many times during the reading of this book that I wanted to just stop reading. I could NOT identify with the main character and she consistently made decisions that I would cringe about. However, I am glad I stuck it out. This book had my requisite happy ending and I wish there was a sequel!
I enjoyed this book even more with the second read. My only sadness is that the third book in this trilogy doesn't come out until next year. Although I think the first book in this series is my favorite, this is also a great read.
I re-read this book today because I am waiting for a hold at the virtual library. I really like this book because of the well drawn out characters and the submersion into another world. I will be reading the sequel next again as I continue to wait for the next Jojo Mayes book from the library.
Another day, another Jojo Moyes book. I liked this one too, a lot. I love how she puts her characters in impossible situations and then bails them out spectacularly. I also love a good love story. Her characters are all so real, real problems and real life. I will be reading another one of her books next, not sure which one!
I couldn't put this book down, read it from start to finish in one day. I even was up until midnight to complete it. The main character, Lou, is reminiscent of Bridget Jones but with a harder edge. There is also a large dose of class distinction in this book which makes me feel sad. However, overall it was a wonderful read and I will be sorry to return this one to the library.