Five chapters into this one. It‘s interesting so far. Anyone out there read it?
Five chapters into this one. It‘s interesting so far. Anyone out there read it?
This book was amazing. I felt so much for Haemi as she struggled to live a normal life amidst war, motherhood, family obligations, and tragedy. I absolutely recommend this. It‘s beautifully written and will not disappoint.
Took a long bath and started this. 🔥
Black History Month may by over, but learning is never finished. I‘ve been meaning to read this for a long time. Here goes.
My book took a trip to Barbados & came back with a tan! 😂
I feel like the deathly hallows right now. Tummy aches & hot baths & water & Harry Potter.
“Harry, did you ever even open A History of Magic?” — Hermione! Girl, I love you, but you know by book 7 that Harry isn‘t ever gonna read that book! 🤣 #potterhead #hermione
Cheers! Reading my #bookclub book with a tasty #beer. (I live in #Nashville & am loving this #Memphis brew.)
This book is fun so far. The Daughter, The Wife, The Mender, The Biographer. I can identify with all of these women.
My book is on #kindle & #kindleunlimited now! Go & get it get it!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 #birth #motherhood #poetry #poems #love
“In the dream I was terrified, trying to scream but unable to make a sound come out of my throat (a common female dream).” — Vicki Noble /// I‘ve tried to scream SO MANY TIMES in dreams and had this happen. I had no idea it was common for females. 👀😱😨
I enjoyed The Rules of Magic SO much. I think it was even better than Practical Magic. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Has anyone read it yet?!?
“When you are young you are looking forward and when you are old you are looking back.” — Alice Hoffman #bookofthemonth #witches
“Forget you are a person.” — Jessica Bates
“Like most girls, she‘d already learned that pretty exposes you and pretty hides you and like most girls, she hadn‘t yet learned how to navigate the difference.” — Chapter 1
I couldn‘t put this book down. 🔥 Action & good (horrific) fun to the last drop.
“If I had known what he was going to do with it, I‘d have given him Atlas Shrugged.” — hahhahaha
I was so pleased to receive my first #BookoftheMonth book today. 🎈
#bookfriday2017 I‘m giving this as a gift to several parents I love this year. A collection of birth & motherhood poems with a dark side. 🖤 @Liberty 🖤
My father-in-law gave me this today because he just read it and he thought of me. He says I like weird books. ;)
The darker side of motherhood. 🖤 #motherhood #poetry #fears #children My book is $5.99 online through this weekend! Go grab a copy for a mother you love.
Excited to read this & learn more about mass incarceration.
While the Flood rages, you must count the days, said Adam One. You must observe the risings of the Sun and the changings of the Moon, because to everything there is a season. On your Meditations, do not travel so far on your inner journeys that you enter the Timeless before it is time. In your Fallow states, do not descend to a level that is too deep for any resurgence, or the Night will come in which all hours are the same to you...
This is my 4th Octavia Butler read. Like the others, I was fascinated with the characters, with the strong intelligent female lead, and the imaginative plot. She's a fantastic writer and I plan to read everything she wrote.
So reading Fledgling really is making me want to bite people. When I say people I just mean my adorable toddler. ;)
One day his fingers will grow knobby, he will start to sag. I pray to the goddesses, the gods, the eggs, the clouds, the trees. I pray to the wind that he will grow old and die well. #birth #motherhood #poetry #breastfeeding #normalizebreastfeeding #birthwithoutfear #midwife #doula
I really enjoyed this! It's a screenplay, but I have read several hundred when I used to work for a film company, so I like the quick format. Plus I just finished Harry Potter book 7 not too long ago so I'm on the Potter train. ;)
"No one knows you like a person with whom you've shared a childhood. No one will ever understand you in quite the same way." #magic #sisters #sisterhood #childhood
Anyone read this? My sister gave it to me & I just started it. Lovely so far.
"...a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem." / my book club LOVED discussing these dense, poetic vignettes today. #AtmalogyBookClub
As a creative person, this didn't give me any super huge breakthrough ideas. It did give me permission to do work and let it go, it reminded me to stay curious and judge less. It excited me to give a real go at the things I love and do them with joy. (PS - here's Flash, the horse.)
"She times the procedure: five minutes of ecstasy. It's more than a lot of people get in their whole lifetimes. Then he's unconscious. Then he stops breathing. The heart goes last." / #atmalogyBookClub
Kid was outta control at the library, but I grabbed The Heart Goes Last as I chased him.
There's nothing Harry Potter can't fix.
OK, there are no #dementors in this book yet, but I love #MichaelScott & I had to share this. 😅 Reading while babe & doggies nap around me. So peaceful. ✌🏽💜
This is the third Octavia Butler book I've read, and it will not be the last! Such a fresh, imaginative, powerful read. / #atmalogyBookClub
"You think the dead we have loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him." — Dumbledore ⚡️