I wanted to love this so badly. Unfortunately, I found the short essays to be repetitive and a bit sad-sack (even for Roxane Gay). She still remains one of my favorites, but Hunger was a let down.
I wanted to love this so badly. Unfortunately, I found the short essays to be repetitive and a bit sad-sack (even for Roxane Gay). She still remains one of my favorites, but Hunger was a let down.
I enjoy Lehane's writing for many reasons, but the thing that has consistently stood out to me is his ability to normalize deeply psychologically damaged characters. I find myself picturing people I know filling the roles in Lehane's books and this was no exception. It took me a little longer to read than I would have liked, but that was mostly due to my own laziness.
I really did enjoy this book. I thought it was quippy and entertaining. I just didn't LOVE it the way I've loved other similar non-fic books.
Looking forward to this one. Was thinking about American War, but just couldn't bring myself to read it. Hoping for a good laugh.
Oh my god. This. Freakin'. Book. Beautifully written and thoughtfully crafted. I'd be lying if I said "Dear Cerberus" didn't make me openly weep. Whether you're a MLP fan (I am) or not, this book is worth the read.
Worth every minute of waiting. A perfect follow up to her other perfect works. Loved it.
A solid, fast read. "Thanks to George R. R. Martin, who asked me to write him a story." ??
For a book with such a slow start, it was certainly worth sticking with it. A truly great read. Beautifully written, too. I'm not always crazy about overly descriptive language, but Groff's writing was enthralling.
Read this for research for an upcoming show and totally loved it. The Well of Loneliness and Oscar Wilde references were a nice added bonus.
This book will rip your heart out.
Not my favorite Sedaris book.
My favorite play. I had the privilege of playing Evelyn a few years ago. So, so good (and crazy!)
This got me. So well-written, so twisted. Janice Erlbaum is grossly underrated.
I was in this play a few years back and played The Stepsister. Such an absurd and soul-crushing piece.
This book made me cringe. I really had a hard time getting through it. It's well-written and certainly interesting, but very difficult to stomach.
Loved it. Because of Flora Jessop's upbringing, at times, she writes like a child. I found that to be incredibly effective given the subject matter.