As I take a break from #historicalfiction, I am enjoying the dive into the Fantasy genre with this book. I will keep you updated as I read 😀🙂📖📚 #fantasybooks
It was said #robinsoncrusoe written by #danieldefoe was inspired by Alexander Selkirk who after being marooned on an island spent more than four years on that island. Many have debunked the theory that Crusoe is Selkirk as the two had different stories. Still Crusoe story can be inspired by the story of Selkirk and Defoe made it into his own. Beautiful picture of Robinson Crusoe Island above. #book📖 #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #booklover
Christmas gift from my nieces and nephew 😘😘. So far this has been an enjoyable read, an excellent way to start 2017. #TheGoldenSon
#nowreading #ThreeSistersThreeQueens by #philippagregory #fiction #historicalfiction #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #bookaddict . Twitch gaming site on on the background #gaming&reading
The Trial...check! Metamorphosis...check! Amerika...check! #nowreading The Castle. In honour of Kafka's birthday month (I believe).
Just started Proust In search of lost time.
Getting to know Don Quixote and his trusted squire Sancho Panza