Liked this book a lot- cute and filled with all of the expected romantic tropes. Loved Dylan‘s wit. Actually my biggest gripe is the cover- WHERE IS THE HOT DOG TIE?!
Liked this book a lot- cute and filled with all of the expected romantic tropes. Loved Dylan‘s wit. Actually my biggest gripe is the cover- WHERE IS THE HOT DOG TIE?!
Only a couple of things: romantic tropes were a little too cliche and oddly intense at times (though it‘s a YA, so I guess that‘s a free pass) and I found it easy to forget who was currently narrating, though the 3 narrators made it great.
Otherwise, written extremely well; I like the two differing perspectives of magic. World building is wonderful! Ending was not what I thought it would be (a good thing!). Also, I want to be Amari 👸🏿
One of the funnier chick lits I‘ve read in a while! Hazel is awesome- doesn‘t apologize for being herself 💪
Wow. This has been my life too many times to count... “mildly racist verbal attack that is also somewhat complimentary” 🤔😂
It‘s very fast paced and well written. It‘s also very “Girl on the Train,” but slightly more psychotic, which I didn‘t think was possible!! A very great read and highly recommend! #bookclub
I REALLY don‘t like zombie things, nor am I that big into political intrigue, but I still managed to really like it!! It‘s really well written and picks up the pace quickly. Probably won‘t read the second one because I didn‘t like the narration style of Shaun. But I still recommend!! #bookclub
PS- there‘s an alternate ending available!
My pre-order finally came!! These are 100% the best comics out there! I‘m sad that it‘s Erica Henderson‘s last issues, but I know Derek Charm is going to kill it! #squirrelgirl
I enjoyed this book though it took me a while to get into. Loved the story and writing. I loved the characters, though I found most of the widows more interesting and a tad more nuanced than Nikki. It‘s quite unique! Piiiiiick!!
Loved the audiobook. This book has some insanely crazy characters and situations, just as expected. It was nice to see how everything ended for all the characters. Life goals = Astrid - scandals
Loved this book! Read it in a day!!
Any good recommendations for something similar?
Excited to read this for May book club!!