Inter library loan is awesome. Reading this now.... and for a good while I‘m sure.
Inter library loan is awesome. Reading this now.... and for a good while I‘m sure.
As fascinating as reading Harry Potter is to hear my daughter talk about it. Her latest lamentations are regarding The triangle between Snape, Lilly and James. (It makes me want to read it and find out just what Lilly saw in James!) The creepiest book: number two (hello Ginny!), the favorite: book three. The most boring book: seven; not enough Hogwarts. Okay, it might be more fun than reading the books. #raisingreaders
" My best friend is the moon. We hang out all the time even when you can't see her. The moon need 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 12 seconds to go around me. I've timed her. "
This book effectively delivers what it promises: a recap of the first 4.5 billion years. In short snippets the author entertains and teaches you about earth's history. It's memorable and engaging to multiple ages in our home--we thoroughly enjoyed it!
Obviously I'm not the first in my family to pick Peter Nimble from the shelf. !
This is such a fun book! We keep meaning to make Blackberry fool all the ways through history but gathering and cleaning a bundle of sticks and whipping cream for 15 minutes is...well let's just say even thinking about it makes me appreciate my kitchen aid even more. 😁
Two girls lose their father and beautiful life to be placed in a small cottage and an enchanted wood with their grieving mother. They meet Ivo, a mushroom farmer and friend, and see many unusual animals. Stranger yet is the little man that Snow and Rose keep meeting, who is quite unpleasant even as they help him. Martin's many illustrations and twist on a tale create the perfect retelling for children. A true favorite!
This is one of the most beautiful books I've ever seen! Plus it's a fairytale, and those are my favorite. This is my daughter's book. A great part of having kids that are readers is they keep the house stocked with books for you to borrow, many you might not come across yourself. I can't remember how this goes and I'm trying to decide whether to look up the old tale or be surprised. 😀
Reading the Christmas story by candlelight...
This book is so clever! We love it!