We found these classics at an odd lots store in France. This is exciting for me! I am looking forward to reading The Secret Garden again. Hoping that my son will be interested in reading some of these too.
We found these classics at an odd lots store in France. This is exciting for me! I am looking forward to reading The Secret Garden again. Hoping that my son will be interested in reading some of these too.
Here is my latest list of books that meet the Inspired by Hamilton challenge, all by Caribbean authors.
#readcaribbean #hamiltonthemusical #readingchallenge.
Read 51 pages which put me halfway through the book. It's after midnight here and I am fading fast, so I'll finish it tomorrow. Going to read a bit of Quichotte by Salman Rushdie for as long as I can stay up. #readathon
Reading this at the request of my son. #readathon Already got 60 pages in.
Starting off the #readathon with some heavy lifting.