I really enjoyed this book. It really made me think about getting closer with God and wanting to go back to church.
I really enjoyed this book. It really made me think about getting closer with God and wanting to go back to church.
I loved this book! It had so many good quotes! For example here are some I liked:
The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look like nothing is happening inside of them, even though they contain most of our lives.
Some infinities are bigger than other infinities
"But it was sure a privilege to love him, huh?" I nodded into his shirt. "Gives you an idea how I feel about you." He said
If you only see the path that's right ahead of you, you don't obsess over when the cliff might drop off
There is nothing more selfish than trying to change someone's mind because they don't think like you. Just because something is different does not mean it should not be respected
The reason we lose people we care about is so we're more grateful for the ones we still have.
Does anyone know of any uplifting books like this!? I really love reading things that also make me feel good :)
I thought it would tell me more about the times he was taken out in the straight jacket and more about his drug life.. It didn't really talk much about his rehab life either but it was really interesting as to who he all met and what he did to get there.. Good read.
This was a really good book. I wasn't expecting the person at the end at all. I'm not a fan of how it jumps from person to person.. It's hard to keep track of it but after the first few "chapters" it gets better
The book is good and has great tips. You have to take the tips slow to get there but it's doable. I really like how there's actual stories from people in there.
The people you surround yourself with are excellent mirrors for who you are and how much, or how little, you love yourself.