Ain't that the truth
Ain't that the truth
Starting vacation by cracking open a new book - and discovering it has maps! I love a book with maps.
#amreading #bookstagram #twelvekingsinsharakhai #bradleypbeaulieu #books #cartography
So many new books to read, but this is calling out to me right now...
#thehandmaidstale #republicofgilead #notmypresident #riseup
Having a lot of feelings about willful ignorance and the electorate while re-reading this book. :/
Always fascinated by the economic freedoms afforded to widows.
This book just made me realize that the word "presumptuous" is related to "sumptuary laws". To be presumptuous is to dress above your station.
I am such a child. ::snicker::
As do I, Mademoiselle Geraldine. As do I. ;D
"I had rather face wild beasts and diseases than the perils of civilization."
Beach reading! Finally getting on with this lovely series.
Noah thought I looked picturesque while reading at lunch. 😸❤️
Great fun! A wonderful re-imagining of the DC universe with the ladies in charge during WWII.
Ptolemy wants to know how a book could possibly be more entertaining than petting him.