Current read! Super excited !
Current read! Super excited !
Anyone have any recommendations for bookstores in the NJ/NY area? Looking to go someplace new
This book was good but very typical. It's easy to predict who the murdered is and parts of this book can be very cheesy. However I still enjoyed it and would recommend it. A girl who recently broke up with her long term boyfriend finds out a serial killer is in her neighborhood murdering all those who look like her.
Next book I am reading. Has anyone read ?!
Loved this book. Couldn't get myself to put it down. It's definitely something different. It's about a mother who realizes something is very wrong with her child. He refuses to bathe, talks very strangely about his other mother and how he wants to go home. This is definitely a book I would recommend to others.
Halfway through reading and wow. It's not only amazingly shocking but also heartbreaking, horrific and shows what an amazingly powerful woman she is. This book is one that shows the reader the food that can come from speaking out after a horrible situation.
Incredible short story, would recommend to anyone! Read this short story in one sitting and couldn't get enough of it. I never wanted it to end! So many twists and turns that I never expected. Still unsure of what happens!