Excited about this one already! LOVE the opening line!!!
This!! I just completed this project and my favorite part is that I can update them as I read new books 😍 (I have read all of these)
I‘ve been working on it for about a month. I‘m only going to put books I‘ve read on the shelves so that it‘s always changing and also a great convo piece!
Still one of the best books ever! I never tire of rereading this one!
I‘m a teacher and this made me laugh. It‘s a true statement but the audacity to say it to a teacher during the 1940s would have been scandalous. 🤣
I‘ve never liked the term “grammar Nazi”
Chapter about common spelling errors 😂
Been enjoying this gem, deep dive into Dante‘s Inferno, Purgatory, and Paradise
I had to finish the last line...so powerful and so true
Truer words have never been spoken!
Starting a new one, should be quick
What better is there to do on a sunny day? 💗
Pretty proud of myself for figuring this out before I got to this chapter!!
Loving how this book sucked me in from the first page... however I‘m still trying to figure out why page 1 starts with “2.”
A little not so lite reading this afternoon
Starting in on this wonderful Christmas present! A little embarrassed that it‘s taken me 2 months...
A true statement about why we want relationship and the purpose of loving 💗
I‘m teaching an Alien themed English class so I get to reread this! And my students are already hooked!!
Who knew people could get so worked up about fonts? 😂 dropping F bombs lol