I don't even know what to say but it was really funny
This was the second book in this series. It is just pretty much the same as the first book in the series. If you liked the first book you should read this one!
This was kind of weird because they are in some weird small Mexican town. Bart invents a game where you attack digital aliens and somehow it becomes the biggest game???? At school no one knows his name until he confesses that he invented it.
This book started out ok but then it just got super boring. Somehow I managed to read the whole thing and the only exciting part is the end. In the book they try to get revenge on their principle that does not like them at all. If I were you I would just get to know the characters and skip to the end
Planet tad is just basically a blog. He tells what happens everyday of his life. He asks silly questions like if a fireman puts out fires shouldn't they be called hose shooter man?
This book was boring compared to the others. There was almost nothing exciting. From the third book I thought they were gonna travel to New York but the author decided not to. I give this a big 👎
I'm only 30 pages in but it has been good so far. A bunch of friends are in a town called serenity. Eli and his friend ride to the edge of town and pass out and wake up in a hospital ( I think) then Eli find people cutting down a tree and finds a newspaper their car. The newspaper said murder on it and he didn't know what it meant.