Sailing Cape Horn while reading about sailing Cape Horn! #endoftheworld
Turns out this book is much deeper than I anticipated. A solid read with very clever perspectives into psychology, war and how we deal with development over time. Sorta Lord of the Flies in space.
Mind Blown!!! This book originally published in 1981 stands the test of time and genre. A horror story unlike anything I have ever read. The plot is original, the characters are well developed and the humor is laugh out loud funny! Read This BOOK! #sand
Just started this series from a favorite author...lets see where it goes!
The musical does some great justice to the original book!
"I see a man who is terribly wounded-because he has dared to pass through the fires of truth to the other side, which we have never seen. And then he has come back again-to tell us about the other side." ...taken from chapter 20
Really did enjoy this 1920's classic from Hemingway. This group of friends is totally dysfunctional in a way the "Gatsby" came close to but somehow I still cared about them. I would love to have "Jake" as a friend in real life. Just keep me away from the bull fights!
Wasn't sure I was going to like this book...turns out I love it! Yes there are slow moments, the farm, the land, the sheep...but the romance and two surprising twists make it a story that kept me going till the end. Highly recommended if you are a fan of the classic & romantic.
An amazing read and probably my favorite (although it's a close call) from the pen of Neil Gaiman. You journey down a new rabbit hole to a completely new and reimagining of London. Where heaven and hell aren't to be trusted. A highly recommended read for anyone!
Current selection. So far so good...have even laughed out loud. I don't do that often!
I tried! I really did!!! More than than once in fact. I just can't get into it or understand why it is so popular.
I wanted this book to be so good...I really did. It starts out really strong and has well thought out characters but the situations got very tedious for me. I wanted them (or at least a few) to be smarter or want more. The presence and language of the time period was what I liked the most.
It took me later than most to read this classic work. I'm so glad I waited. The style of writing can be confusing and could turn the reader off. However, being older and having chosen to read it I quite enjoyed it. Its frank view on humanity and how we value power is still true today.