I'm so late to the party, but all I can do is agree with everyone who recommends this book. It's so good that I kind of want to stay inside and read instead of go out and explore Greece while on vacation...
I'm so late to the party, but all I can do is agree with everyone who recommends this book. It's so good that I kind of want to stay inside and read instead of go out and explore Greece while on vacation...
Truer words have never been spoken. Really enjoying the different narratives in this books. They're so well done!
God, Schwab has me in her claws again. The world in this book is so cool and creepy!
Shades of Grey is my favorite of all Fforde's novels. A world where color decides your social status and where a revolution is abound. Highly recommend to anyone who enjoys humor, satire and science fiction!
Book club is in less than one month! Better get a move on with this one!
This book is so sweet and it makes me wish I was in Florence right now eating gelato. Also these pencils go perfect with this book and it makes me regret I didn't buy the hardcover version.
Enjoying this, but it definitely is a slow read. I'm also constantly flipping back to figure out what happened in what version. A timeline would have been useful.
This book is giving me the feeling of being on the best summer adventure. Loving the atmosphere!
Finally it's July 3rd and I can read this beauty for our book club this month! I'm only 25 pages in and I already love Margaret. #novelladay #shutupimreading
Reading this is like being punched in the gut.
I don't read a lot of Dutch literature - very unpatriotic of me - but this one I highly recommend. I don't think I've never been more uncomfortable about mosquitos and the vast Norwegian landscape.
Such romance! This is a little bit of Friday Night Lights, a little bit of time travel and a whole lot of love. Well written and swoon-worthy, but I never really go for that whole lovey dicey thing in YA. Would have preferred to know more about the time travel business, but enjoyable nonetheless!
Starting this colorful beauty for our book club in June. L!
This book is making me feel like I'm back in high school again. No other writer can write about teenage angst and emotion as well as David Levithan can.
I'm rolling my eyes so hard at these sex scenes I gave myself a headache.
Some light book club reading on a sunny day! Heard a lot of great things about this one, so I'm very curious to see how I'll like it!
"I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still."
I'm loving the look of this book but the paper clips remind me so much of the annoying paper clip wanting to help you with your Microsoft Word problems, that I can't take these notes seriously.