I‘m dying out here people. We must protect Jude at all cost!
I‘m dying out here people. We must protect Jude at all cost!
Some books I‘m currently reading, most importantly A Little Life which I‘m reading for the fiction side of it. Sometimes getting too much of one thing may make me dislike it so we are evening out the genres!
Hello! So I haven‘t posted in while, but I started reading ACOMAF and I‘m in love!
“To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered.”
#bookworm #booklover #readingtime!! #goodreads #goodbooks #books #books4life #booksforever #read #reading #readalittlemore #lovebooks #lovereading #readmore #bookreview #review #Bookobsessed #readforever #bookstagram #readinglove #bookaddict #readingaddiction
Hello everyone, how has your reading week been?mine pretty good finished ps. I still love you and started the last book of the trilogy which is Always and forever lara Jean this book is incredible it‘s just a sweet romance book. The review of (PISLY) will hopefully be coming shortly, but now I‘m going to read for a bit!
Hello everyone, Yes I am back after some very hard weeks of reading Lord of shadows now this book was amazing in every way, we are talking writing style, characters, setting, and plot, BUT THE ENDING I WAS TORTURED I WAS SOBBING LIKE CRAZY. I have never cried this much on a book before this book was amazing!
Hello everyone, and happy start of the week! I hope you all had a great weekend and hold on there because the weekend will come! So I haven‘t been posting much lately I was visiting family and I had such little time to read but I say I am impressed with the number of pages I read on the plane! This book is definitely my type of romance! It is so sweet and tender, and is the perfect read for summer!
“He said I was keeping him going. Me Lara Jean.”
—To all the boys I‘ve loved before.
#bookworm #bookaddict #toalltheboysivelovedbefore
#bookobsessed #readingaddiction #booklover
Hello everyone! So today was the first day of school and you know your girl can‘t survive without a book so I read a bit of Lord of shadows, really enjoying it! And also I‘m gonna say this for the hundredth time probably I‘m in love with the Lara jean trilogy! I can‘t wait to finish it!
#toalltheboysivelovedbefore #Bookobsessed #bookworm #booklover
“He wanted to write as freely about his feelings for her as Malcom has written about his dawning love for Annabel. You took my life apart and put it back together.” Lord of shadows.
Lord of shadows💞 This book warms my heart so much! But only when the main characters actually have a moment but then it‘s just thrilling and amazing as it is! From the world building to the amazing characters! #lordofshadows #bookaholic
“We tease Daddy and say how lucky he is that we‘re all so good, but the truth is, we‘re the lucky ones. He‘s a really good dad.”
“We three Song girls have an unspoken pact: to make life as easy as possible for Daddy.”
Currently reading To all the boys I‘ve loved before💞
#bookobsessed #toalltheboysivelovedbefore #jennyhan #currentread
This book follows our character Emma Carstairs who happens to be a shadow hunter that lost her parent at a young age to the dark war. Everyone assumes they died during then but Emma thinks differently. Emma has a Parabatai named Julian who helps her investigate her parents' death. Absolutely loved this book 5/5 Stars. ⭐️
#review #Bookobsessed #readforever #bookaddict #readingaddiction#book_heaven_24review #bookworm #booklover #ladymidnight