yeah......13 pages and snorefest. Couldn't get into it at all.
yeah......13 pages and snorefest. Couldn't get into it at all.
Haven't read this in ages but I'm excited for the movie and I picked up a used copy for my daughter. So my not read it again? Also, it actually ticks off a category on my yearly challenge list, so win!
Really good. Fast paced and interesting. I did figure out who the bad guy was before the reveal, but that didn't bother me too much.
I am curious, after the ending, to see how the author maintains the relationship between Dallas and Rourke through so many books. It seems to me it might get old, fast.
This book is fantastic and it makes me want to be a better cook. I only picked it up because it met one of my reading challenge slots, but I'm so glad I did. It was a fun, quick read.
This is my "book set in my home state" book on my yearly challenge. It's not the first of the series so I'm hoping it's not hard to get into.
So worth the read. Really opens your eyes to how similar Buddhism and Christianity are.
I sat down to start it last night, and finished it. So good. Considering that it dealt with my absolute least favorite subject, cheating, it is still a fabulous read. Probably my favorite book of hers since The Red Garden.
Pretty good. a really quick read. I quite enjoy her style of writing. Glad I was able to grab it from the library. As a plus, it covers my "memoir" spot of the reading challenge .
Grabbed this as I left to do school pick up. Persuasion is my second favorite book of all time, ever. I reread it often. Do you do that too?
This is my "truck book" I keep it there for whenever I have a few minutes to kill. Mainly when I'm waiting for my kid to get out of school. It works out great cause it's a book of shorts. Also, Neil Gaiman is my favorite author. ?
Do you keep a "truck book"?
Not enough to truly hook me. Sad, as I'd grabbed it from the thrift store because it sounded so good. Only made it five chapters in.
Heartbreaking. A truly good read about how memories inform your present life. Not a huge fan of the ending, it felt abrupt after such a beautifully written story.
"there is a French expression, "without literature, life is hell" the glory and power of that!"
Bukwoski is probably my favorite poet. I think his poems speak to my writer's brain. I've only got this one book, but I've borrowed many others from the library over the years. I always come back to him. Happy #nationalpoetryday
When your new proof of your latest book comes in the mail - there's no other excitement like that. I'm a little on cloud 9. Can't wait to see if people like it.
This is, I think, my tenth copy. My mom in law picked it up for me at a thrift store yesterday and gave it to me just now. My favorite book of all time, I have a pop up, a board book, a history of, three different kids versions, an avant garde illustrated and more. I can't wait to bring it home and add it to my shelf that is all Aluce, all the time.
Trying to demolish my tbr. I bought this book ages ago and am finally taking the time to read it. Hope it lives up to my internal hype.