" everything happens for a reason, but that doesn't mean there"a a point." Kinsey Millhone ( Sue Grafton)
" everything happens for a reason, but that doesn't mean there"a a point." Kinsey Millhone ( Sue Grafton)
"Insecure people have a special sensitivity for anything that finally confirms their own low opinion of themselves.".....
"Except for cases that clearly involve a homicidal maniac, the police like to believe murders are committed by those we know and love, and most of the time they're right - a chilling thought when you sit down to dinner with a family of five. All those potential killers passing their plates"
"On a frozen night in an affluent neighborhood of Minneapolis, a baby is abducted from her home after her teenage babysitter is violently assaulted. The parents are frantic, the police are baffled, and, with the perpetrator already in the wind, the trail is getting colder by the second."
"With Freedom ??Books, ?flowers ?and the moon? who could not be happy." -Oscar Wilde
"We all have demons inside us, voices that whisper we‘re no good, that if we don‘t make this promotion or ace that exam we‘ll reveal to the world exactly what kind of worthless sacks of skin and sinew we really are.”
"People don't change," Nina said bitterly. "They just get more punctilious about hiding their true selves."
"The danger isn't all in your head, and much much closer than she thinks..."
Re reading the shopaholic series so I can read her two new ones in the series I haven't started yet 👛🛍
" But maybe every life looked wonderful if all you saw was the photo albums". Can't wait to start my new adventure!
Just finished ! I just love her books, now to watch the show on HBO!
one of my two favorite authors!! I have read almost every one of his books ! can't wait to get into this new book!
be taught to love not to hate ♡♡♡♡
interesting , written by Benjamin Franklin but in the Jodi Picoult book!
I loved this book! so many twist, I can honestly say I did not see it ending the way it did! hoping for a sequel!!
"you don't know her, but she knows you "
truer words have never been said... And as a mom to a 19 month old, I wouldn't change a thing ♡ it's the best job I WILL ever have, and the greatest title I will ever own "mom" ♡
"all things work together for good, brokenness leads to blessing, death leads to life l, and suffering leads to glory!"
I'm not sure what book this came from, it was a novel, but I don't remember it's been a while... sorry for the confusion. I just love this quote!