Fascinating book and so well written. I didn‘t know this writer (I am not American) and now I feel I need to read everything by her.
Fascinating book and so well written. I didn‘t know this writer (I am not American) and now I feel I need to read everything by her.
Starting this one. The prologue is set in Chimborazo (Ecuador) a place I always want to go back to. #alexandervonhumboldt #biography
Long time away from #litsy.... but back to recommend a book that it feels more than a novel.
"One of those men who reach such an acute limited excellence at twenty one that everything afterwards savors of anticlimax". And with that the character is flawlessly introduced.
Easy to read, well written lovely story. I liked more the first chapters because it was a pleasure to read about the characters. The characterization is always the most difficult part to get right and I think Hannah Tinti got it right
Because today is today I am going to go ahead and recommend you the reading of one of the best books I ever read. "De profundis" by Oscar Wilde. I read it when I was too young to understand many things yet. Reading this book when you are young open doors and worlds. Re reading them after years, it is compulsory. It feels different, still great.
Started this one. I have heard so much of the new book by her that I wanted to buy immediately but then I thought I should also try her first. There is always a reason for order .... even in chaos.
I am almost ashamed to say that i have not read Fahrenheit 451. Now I can proudly say that is sitting with these other two on my side table. #aprilmotivation
Good reading about a good book by the same author. Atwood says, regarding the red clothes, that many totalitarianisms "have used clothing, both forbidden and enforced, to identify and control people (yellow stars, roman purple) and many have ruled behind a religious front. It makes the creation of heretics that much easier".
Love it. I like the portrayal of the broken characters because they are very real in their pain or extreme circumstances. I enjoyed how Tory Watanabe's matures surrounded by the fragility of others something that makes him as strong as vulnerable.
I read this long interview so fast that if I had had his books at hand I would have kept on reading till the end. Very interesting. Definitely in my reading list now
Very interesting article.... unrelated to the book I used to the entry...
I see myself here. I am not in a hurry to be old but I am always comfortable with my age.... in spite of the wrinkles and white hairs #confidence #aging #life
A friend of mine recommended me this book by Asimov after talking about Bill Gates proposal to tax robots use as we tax labor. And then I read this article... and I think it is all linked and it is a tragedy and a comedy. And I love people, human beings recommending books. And this is why I am here every now and then.
This is a thing now. I read many of these books when I was a teenager and I freaked out. #dystopian
Starting this one. Not wise on my part because it is late and I should sleep but the beginning is so promising....
I just got it for my 5 year old and I enjoyed very much the reading and the illustrations. Beautifully, raw at a time a necessary to show my boy and your children about what natures is and we need to preserve
Great writing, good story that combines the no so distant past with the not always so pleasant present and because of that difficult to read. There are charters of the book that are very powerful. Ridgeway, North Carolina, Mabel .... I think it deserves the good critics and more. It should be read in the schools although my husband said that for what I tell him about it he is not ready emotionally to read it. It remains to be see if I was
Do you know what optimism is? Not everybody has the gift of feeling it
Here we go....
Indeed a tragedy. I have to say I am not reading as much as I once did but I still find time to do it and enjoy seeing more and more people in the subway immersed in their books. I am a podcast addict and that takes time from my books but there is time for everything.... And it should. Read this article. Www.washingtonpost.com
I just bough this book for my son. I want him to grow up knowing about strong, intelligent women that very few people know about in spite of their brilliance against all odds. The fact that there are so few women in tech is an absurdity that has to be changed and educating kids about it is a good starting point. The book is great and the illustrations wonderful
When I read this book, back when it was published, I never thought that I could read it under a different light years later. Given the current political climate I can only advise to open this pages again and use perspective. It is a novel, and today, a must read one
When the rule of law is superseeded by the rule of the strongest we have drama. Slowly absorbing the route of the railroad.....
It is not everyday that you close a book, you have to give yourself pause and stay there for a long while. It is not everyday you have a book like this one in your hands. When that happens stays longer in your head. When I read this book I couldn't read anything else for a long time. I had to digest something that I could read as fiction but for some other people in other countries could be a very present nightmare. It is easier to be a coackroach
I had a great time reading this book. It is a serious comedy to be read in a single sitting.
Perfect. This is what happen when one overachiever write about another overachiever. I believe that all kids should read it to start appreciating the weight of history and how very cool it is to be an intellectual and to love knowledge.
This tittle.... I can't read as much as I would like but if I could I would have bought this one not knowing much about its content.
A classic. Des sprinted by it, intrigued ... Still in my mind after so many years
Fascinating. I have read all the books by Maalouf and will probably will re read some of them
Another month, another book. I was never a slow reader, then life happened. But I still have time to immerse myself in other worlds. In this one I like, once more in Galbraih-JKR, how the characters mature and evolve for the readers getting darker as we all are when maturing. Entertaining reading and trepidation half way through. Then, if you stop reading has to be for a good reason. I enjoyed the book.
This is one of the books that should be re read as one ages. It is a lesson in every page, it gives comfort and it is wonderfully written (of course marguerite)
Yep! And it feels good!
Many times I judge books by its covers. I just buy them because I like the way the artist see the story. The opposite is true and as result I have missed good novels but I have also found really good ones. Overall I don't find the designs of the covers in most books very interesting. Sorry.... It is the pre story and a dull presentation doesn't help. I know nothing of this one, but the cover is good. I will go for it #covers #stories #art
"To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world . . ."
"I am beginning to understand," said the little prince
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye
First things first #keepjournalismalive #johnoliver. The more I read newspapers stories or report myself (full disclosure, I am a reporter) the more I realize how news and features can be as addictive as fiction.
#bookstack one of my fav corners of the apartment. Some of them not yet read. How many worlds!!!
30 minutes of peace before going to sleep. When do you guys read? To me it is a pleasure and a challenge
Got it! Got it! Not ready yet to be read cause I have to finish another one but definitely in my side table. Top priority.