This book is amazing! I totally recommend it to anyone interested in the whole superhero/villain story line!
This book is amazing! I totally recommend it to anyone interested in the whole superhero/villain story line!
Just started rereading this amazing series! This is my favorite part and picture!!
Had the hardest time getting into this book, but now that I am successfully 200 pages in, I'm really enjoying it!! Any other Rick Riordan fans out there?
So I am currently re-reading one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors! I have to say, I do not like the Jace and Clary brother/sister thing. It adds a weird feeling to then whole book. But, it needed to be done for the books to progress. Nonetheless, I love the Shadowhunters Novels, and I can't wait for Queen of Air and Darkness to come out!
I just found this book at my grandmother's house, I haven't read the book, but I've heard it's wonderful!
This book is so beautiful! I just started it, but I loved the rest of the series so I have high hopes!
Rereading my favorite series! Thanks Cassandra Clare for creating such a extensive universe!
"'You are not to leave your bedroom while we are away.'
'You are not to touch the television, the stereo, or any of our possessions.'
'You are not to steal food from the fridge.'
'I am going to lock your door.'
'You do that.'"
I love how Victoria Aveyard wrote this book!
Friend's Thoughts: Best written in the series. Also- it should have extended longer than the original ending.