Unwinding after a depressing day (week?) at work. Psyched for the Dune film coming out in December.
Here's another great page!
Don't let your daughter grow up to be a victim of life. Too much of our popular culture teaches us to love victims - so we create people who are helpless, incapable, and terribly needy.
I LOVE Augustus. The old man is a hoot! The dialogue in this book is fantastic.
Got off work early today - enjoy a #cigar while reading outdoors 😁
“Lincoln has become such an American icon that when one delves into the historical literature, one discovers that much of the Lincoln historiography is not so much an attempt to explain history as to devise rationalizations or excuses for Lincoln's behavior.” [page 19]
A most interesting read.
Happy Saturday evening everyone! Here's to good #beer, good books, and good smokes!
#BooksWithBeer #PipeSmoking
A semi-modernized republication of William Gouge's 1622 book Domestical Duties.
This wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. I was expecting a bit more practical application, but I understand that will come in volumes 2 and 3 of this series. Instead, this volume is basically an in-depth exposition of Ephesians 5:21 to 6:4, and it is as much a theology book as it is a guide to family life. There's some real wisdom to be found here.
Enjoying reading Chad Van Dixhoorn's commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith, aptly titled “Confessing the Faith”. This is an excellent in-depth analysis of the classic/timeless 17th century doctrinal statement by which the Presbyterian Church is governed.
#Smoking some Presbyterian Mixture in my pipe.
Not in the frame is Sierra Nevada Tropical Torpedo IPA. #BooksWithBeer
Great read! Pairing with The Truth imperial IPA from Flying Dog brewing Co, and smoking Orlik Golden Sliced in my Missouri Meerschaum cob #pipe on this beautiful day 😁
So I started this one, ironically enough, on my phone. Then I moved over to the laptop 😜
Not pictured: Drinking a Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA by New Belgium Brewery tonight. #BooksWithBeer
AMAZING biography of covering the first 40 years of the life of this Welsh physician turned preacher. I lost track of how many times I was block highlighting paragraphs and making notes in the cover of the book. There's a lot of content here that is applicable today for the individual and the church at large. Lots of the issues the church dealt with 80 years ago in the UK are being experienced by the American church in recent times. Great book!
An interesting look at the history of the Guinness family and the history of their business ventures, ministry involvement, and philanthropy. If ever I am fortunate enough to visit Dublin, I hope to visit the Guinness brewery and drink from the source. The world needs more companies to be run as the Guinness family ran their brewery for generations.
I checked this out on #Hoopla today. Really enjoying it so far. Of course, I'm drinking a Guinness tonight ;)
Cheers, and amen! 🍻 #BooksWithBeer
A good beer and a good book makes for a great afternoon. “Santa's Cookies” Imperial Oatmeal Stout (Champion Brewing of Charlottesville, VA) is a nice treat for a frigid day such as this. I'm finding great encouragement and a troves of wisdom in Iain Murray's biography covering the first 40 years of the life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Glad I bought this one as recommended by Paul Washer.
I smiled reading this quote from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on the subject of debate.
While engaged in a vigorous debate with a friend, I've been known to be misunderstood to be at odds with my debate partner in an unfriendly manner, when the fact is that we're both perfectly at peace in our relationship to one another.
This is a truly great book. I'd never even heard of the book, or the author until seeing this pop up in my #Litsy feed. Thank you #littens - this was well worth the money and time spent. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Planning on watching the #Hitchcock film adaptation as well as the more recent #BBC miniseries now.
I think I'm going to read My Cousin Rachel (same author) soon.
#Relaxing after a long day at the office... Not pictured is my glass of Live Free or Die #IPA from 21st Amendment #BooksWithBeer #Ecclesiology
My favorite way to start the weekend: coffee and a book. Can I get an AMEN?
In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, tonight's post is all about the theology of Calvin and the thirst of Luther. Over halfway through this one, & it's a little deeper/heavier reading than anticipated, but it's still good stuff, and I *DO* recommend it (and pretty much anything by Sproul). Drinking a Troegenator (doublebock) by Tröeg's Brewing. #BooksWithBeer #Theology #Calvinism #Reformed
I scoffed at the quote on the cover when I first picked this up, but it's true. The lessons learned from this book have been transformative for me. I have more joy in my life, I have less anxiety, I don't struggle with depression like I did before. It took me about 3 months to get through the whole thing, but it was well worth it, and I'll likely re-read someday.
Thoroughly enjoying a Ghost Hammer IPA from Stone Brewing tonight. #BooksWithBeer
I listened to the audiobook and bailed about 75% through it. I know - I was so close to finishing. I just couldn't take it anymore. I agree with the author on much of what he has to say, but I feel like he took what should have been a 60-80 minute lecture and turned it into a book. I was choking on one anecdotal story after another - it was overkill. The chapter on the benefits of travel was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Grilling some ribeye and asparagus, listening to Hot Tuna, reading my book, and drinking Sierra Nevada's “Tropical Torpedo” IPA.
This is cathartic - not quite Heaven, but close. Maybe just a foretaste :)
Sorry no pic. I've been away from Litsy for a few weeks and just realized I never posted any thoughts/review on this one when I finished it...
Great conclusion to the trilogy. I didn't learn as much about this “in-between” period as I'd hoped, but I really enjoyed the journey just the same, and fell in love with many of the characters that Wendig created for his books. If you're on the fence, don't listen to the haters - read it for yourself :)
Part 2 of Chuck Wendig's Aftermath trilogy is a big improvement over the 1st. This was a much quicker read, having no need to create the greater setting or introduce the characters. Not a chore to get through.
Pairing with a Bavarian Inn Dark Beer from Mountain Town Brewing (Mt Pleasant, Michigan) #BooksWithBeer
Cheers! 😊
I can't get enough of the comic relief provided by Mr. Bones!
Mr. Bones (who “speaks” in ALL CAPS) is a seriously demented droid - and an amusing supporting character to read 😂
Kids are in bed and reading night has commenced! Frances and I are enjoying some Hoppyum IPA from Foothills Brewing this evening as well. To those who read Aftermath and found it to be boring and poorly written, I suggest you give Wendig another chance with Life Debt. I'm not having to push myself to get through this one at all. We already know the characters, so the action starts right away. Pg 188, and this is much better. #BooksWithBeer
⭐⭐⭐ Despite a slow start, the payoff was worth it. For those of us who have been intrigued by Grand Admiral Thrawn since his first appearance in the 1990's, it's an especially nice treat to finally get the backstory to one of the most intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe. Still, I could've done with more Thrawn and less Arihnda Pryce.
...And was that a setup for an Eli Vanto novel I saw?
Vacationing in San Diego and visiting in-laws. Hoping to finish this one up soon. It was a bit slow starting, but it got much better around the halfway mark. Enjoying sipping on Stone Brewing's “Ripper” San Diego Pale Ale. Can't find this in North Carolina. #BooksWithBeer
Back to the Kindle for some mindless pleasure reading, and back to the “new” Star Wars cannon with THRAWN. Joining me tonight is one of the few fruit beers I like enough to spend money on - 21st Amendment Brewery's “Hell or High Watermelon” 🍉 wheat beer.
Cheers! 🍺
Going deep tonight... Pairing some #theology with a Seeing Double IPA from Foothills Brewery (Winston-Salem, NC) 🍺
What a page-turner that was! Reminiscent of early Grisham in that regard. I got sucked in fast, and every time I picked it up, I didn't want to put it down. That's what a thriller is supposed to do, & Hawkins nailed it. An impressive debut novel, there's not much I feel like I can say without possibly spoiling the plot in some fashion. It was a great read, and I plan to pick up INTO THE WATER soon as well.
The anticipation of finishing this tonight is killing me!
Sneaking in a few pages between tasks at the office, because, if I had my druthers, reading this book is all I would be doing today. After being in a rut reading a lot of Star Wars books, The Girl on the Train has been *just* the tonic I needed. Quite refreshingly different :)
An excellent resource for artists who use their gifts in the church, and for those who lead them. Great for individual or group study, and great whether you're new to serving in the church or a seasoned veteran. Highly recommended!
The most cussed and discussed book of the new Star Wars cannon, Aftermath is actually nowhere near as bad as many have made it out to be. It wasn't a favorite, but I don't feel like I wasted my time either, and I *do* plan to read Chuck Wendig's follow-up novel LIFE DEBT.
Call me a sucker, but I needed something different to read (been in a Star Wars rut lately) and I remembered this book piquing my interest about a year ago.
Wow... I've been reading Star Wars novels since Timothy Zahn's “Heir to The Empire” was published in '91, and this is unlike any other one I've read. The main characters are completely new to this book, and it's a fantastic story - not merely a good SW story. This is a great entry point into the world of SW novels. Highly recommended, whether you are a veteran of SW novels or have never read one before!
What a disjointed mess... Proof positive that anything with JP's name on the cover will get published and sold in airports and grocery stores everywhere. The title was apparently a warning to the prospective reader to not read this book.
Digital library haul... Probably wouldn't have bought the audiobook, but the price is right :)
The TBR stack on my nightstand is about to get a little bit taller. @ B&N right now and I'm bringing Rebecca home with me 😏