Traveling for work and about to go to an evening event where I have no hope of escaping to read. But just in case....just in case....! #worktrip #readersgonnaread
Traveling for work and about to go to an evening event where I have no hope of escaping to read. But just in case....just in case....! #worktrip #readersgonnaread
This work trip is killing me and I haven't even left yet. But at least I get to break out my bookish, feminist accessory bag for the first time. #worktrip #readersgonnaread
Missed my flight due to a *ridiculous* series of circumstances and am on standby for the next one. Pretty sure that work travel is cursed for me. Trying to remain calm with the aid of some solid middle grade fiction adventures. #worktrip #currentlyreading
I mean, my brain tells me it's only four days and I will be in meetings for most of that time, but the heart wants what it wants. #overpacking #worktrip