#whataman #90sinjuly never watched the show because nothing beats my imagined Eric Northman
#whataman #90sinjuly never watched the show because nothing beats my imagined Eric Northman
Count Alexander Rostov #whataman
I was intrigued by the #Whattaman prompt; but I could not think of a literary man I would get excited about. Sorry.
I did think of one whom I would absolutely love to spend time with. Because what could be better than a man with a sense of humor? I have reused an earlier Terry Pratchett post of mine because he rocks, and I love this qoute.
#90sinJuly #whataman
#whataman #90sinJuly. Captain Ashby doesn't believe in carrying weapons on his space 🚀 ship. He doesn't rule by force or intimidation. He cares about all his crew , even the grumpy 😡 ones . 💕
Happy birthday, Papa! He is one of my most favorite authors. In that theoretical dinner party where you can pick so many people in history to attend, he's always one of mine! I also loved touring his house in Key West and seeing all of his 6 toes cats and the urinal he took from the original Sloppy Joe's. #Hemingway #happybirthday #papa #whataman