These are the TBR for the week, along with an audio book. But only one was on my #WantToReadInDec so that list may have to go out the window 🖼 #TBRTuesday
These are the TBR for the week, along with an audio book. But only one was on my #WantToReadInDec so that list may have to go out the window 🖼 #TBRTuesday
#seasonsreadings2016 #day1 #wanttoreadindec Okay, I know this stack is way overly ambitious but I can't resist all the lovely books at the library. These are all books I want to finish or start during December. And now I'm caught up with the photo challenge, too! ❤️🎄📚💚
So I love my book clubs, but I'm sooo ready to be done with my "required reading" this month and take a breather with Mr King continuing down the Path of the Beam. Only 60 pages left of Tess of the D'Urbervilles and I'll rejoin my favourite ka-tet with Book #4. (I'm behind on my Seasons readings post so here's Day #1 ?) #seasonsreadings2016 #wanttoreadindec
#WantToReadInDec this is my top priority as soon as I finish term grading.
Some of the books that I can't wait until 2017 to read. Mainly cos they're library books 😊 #seasonsreadings2016 #wanttoreadindec
My #wanttoreadindec stack. I feel like my monthly wish stacks never work really out so keeping it small this time and hoping to get through these 3 longer ones before year-end. Fingers crossed and Night Circus starts tonight. No more delays! And Book Thief has been staring at me for YEARS. The time is now! Hopefully...😉
A day late but here is what I #WantToReadInDec for the #SeasonsReadings2016.
This was one of my #wanttoreadindec books, but I listened to the first CD, and I'm so bored! I don't know if it's the book or just my expectations, but I wanted this to be exciting, and so far I'm getting boring failing marriage and soldier in retirement sprinkled with a few interesting historical and cultural references. Maybe I'll come back to it later sometime. I also plan on finishing Neverwhere! #seasonsreadings2016
#seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading A day late because I just decided to do this! #wanttoreadindec.
Beloved to finish my 2016 reading challenge. Hollow City and Library of Souls to return to the library before the due date. A Torch Against the Night to return to a friend. And a reread of Anne of Avonlea because it makes me so darn happy!