Day 1 - #Appreciation #AboutAugust
#TheBookLoversAppreciationSociety #VariousAuthors
Short stories from a lot of our favorite fiction writers!
Day 1 - #Appreciation #AboutAugust
#TheBookLoversAppreciationSociety #VariousAuthors
Short stories from a lot of our favorite fiction writers!
This book is a fantastic and magical collection of short stories. The retellings span many aspects of Asian folklore, myths, religious texts, and fairy tales which makes it hard to pick favorites. I was easily transported to new worlds while also learning more about Asian cultures. I highly recommend it for everyone. #AThousandBeginningsandEndings #EllenOh #ElsieChapman #VariousAuthors
My favorite story by far was “All I Care About Is You,” by Joe Hill. Some of the others were good, too, and some were less to my liking, but Hill‘s contribution, Dave McKean‘s art, and the concept of the book itself all combine to make it a pick. #theweightofwords #variousauthors #davemckean
I‘ve been renewing this over and over since January, so it‘s probably time to get to it. Ten stories, by ten outstanding authors, inspired by ten of Dave McKean‘s paintings. It should be time pretty well spent. #theweightofwords #variousauthors #davemckean
Today's attempted TBR. The top two are both almost done, anyway! #fromacertainpointofview #themidnightstar #allthemissinggirls #tinylittlething #variousauthors #marielu #meganmiranda #beatrizwilliams
This is due in two days, and someone's put a hold on it, so I guess I'm briefly putting aside "The Midnight Star" in favor of the Death Star. ;) #fromacertainpointofview #starwars #variousauthors