Kingsolver has a way with words. I just love it!
#kingsolver #unsheltered #whatascientistdoes #anddoesnt
Kingsolver has a way with words. I just love it!
#kingsolver #unsheltered #whatascientistdoes #anddoesnt
You know you want to read the book spines. They are magnets ... you must obey.
#unsheltered #kingsolver
That‘s been my experience. Feeling lost after someone dies is a measure of the depth of the relationship while they were alive. #sadquotes #lostwithoutyou #unsheltered
Yay! This. Is. AWESOME! Thanks to @felinesandfiction and @TheLibrarian - here are the #botmspoilers for November! I definitely want AT LEAST three of these! Which one(s) do you want?
#botm #botmspoilers #nineperfectstrangers #forbetterandworse #aladdertothesky #unsheltered #theproposal