Hare and Tortoise is traditional literature adapted by Allison Murray. I like this particular adaptation because there are cool text features, like a map of the course! I would love to turn this into a RT script. UDL Strategy 5.3 would apply to this lesson because students could practice their parts, building fluency, and then perform! ESOL Strategy 38 would also fit nicely, because students could practice their short parts at home #ufclar3414sp18
KaitlynN https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XJ1UD7o3xB8 this is a link to some children performing a readers theatre. It doesn‘t seem to be the Allison Murray adaptation but, I think it is a good example of how this could go in a real classroom. Plus they look like they are having so much fun! Especially Hare. She got into it. (edited) 7y