Playing catch up -- these books are pretty twisted I think. I've read them all except America Pyscho, which is on my TBR list.
#TwistedTuesday #AwesomeAutumnBooks @Jess7
Playing catch up -- these books are pretty twisted I think. I've read them all except America Pyscho, which is on my TBR list.
#TwistedTuesday #AwesomeAutumnBooks @Jess7
#catchingup on #awesomeautumnbooks #day19 & #26 - #stranger & #twistedtuesday
Finding this to be more accessable than Area X, though it's the size of that collection more than anything is what holds me up.
#awesomeautumnbooks #twistedTuesday
There are a lot of twisted books on the top shelf there, but I think Unravel has a surprising twist that you definitely don't see coming. It's one of the few books that made my mouth drop in surprise when I got to "that part".
I also really like how the Amazon Store lays out the books. It's a perfect place to browse for gifts because everything is cover out & there are reviews & suggestions posted everywhere!
A perfect book for #TwistedTuesday ⚰️
I wasn't as repulsed by the descriptive writing in this book as some readers were.. I thought it enhanced the creepy vibe! However, a little over halfway through the initial shock-factors started to fade and I lost interest. Looking forward to reading more about Lizzie Borden though!
I'm still not done with this book but I have until Thursday so that's plenty of time right? I haven't finished yet but so far Everyone in this book is pretty twisted! #readingenvyreadalong #twistedtuesday #awesomeautumnbooks!
#awesomeautumnbooks #twistedtuesday
If you enjoy YA and middle grade books, Anderson is a great author to read.
It's #TwistedTuesday! Perfect for a review of Slade House! I loved this book, no surprise. Just a lovely little bit of Mitchell to tide me over. (Is he writing more books?! Get on it!) It had been a while since I read The Bone Clocks so I didn't remember the details of what was going on, but that was cool bc I got to discover it again. Wondering how to use it for #autumnbingo bc it's a bit specific/unusual...any ideas? #awesomeautumnbooks #ripxii
Shot out to @MrBook for highlighting this a while back. A different take on #TwistedTuesday with this one. Heine seems to tackle the nature vs nurture debate in his new book, discussing our society's obsession with genetic research and the way we've misconstrued its findings. As a former biology student, I'm sold. I can't wait to read it.
"Roanoke girls never last long here. In the end we either run or we die."
Lots of twisted and disturbing things going on in this book!!
Trigger warning...
You can't get much more twisted than Joss Merlyn. This is still my favourite Du Maurier book by far.