The end of the book will have you rushing out to get the next one in the series. You‘ve been warned! 😂 #middlegradereads #toppicks
The end of the book will have you rushing out to get the next one in the series. You‘ve been warned! 😂 #middlegradereads #toppicks
Absolutely superb! Finished this book a few months ago and I still can't shake it. The tension was palpable and each of the characters were both lovable and detestable in their owns ways. If you're a lover of Shakespeare or just the dramatic arts in general, you will adore this! 5/5 😻 #shakespeare #angst #ifwewerevillains #fiction #drama #lgbt #lgbtfiction #cats #ginger #catsoflitsy #toppicks
Strange the Dreamer is the best book I've read this year. It was so lovely and perfect and heartbreaking... I can't stop fangirling over it.
What's the best book you've read so far in 2017?
#toppicks #bestof2017 #fantasy
Check out Amazon's top picks for spring! 💀⚔ #iwwv #ifwewerevillains #amazon #toppicks https://www.amazon.com/b/ref=s9_acss_bw_cg_Spr2017_2a1?node=6405551011&pf_rd_m=A...
This book is undoubtedly one of the funniest books I read last year! I was a bit sceptical as I'd not heard of the author before and wondered if it would be too silly but I rate it so highly and I was laughing the whole way through! Very Forest Gump in the way it flits through time and he inadvertently ends up in many of the great moments in history- fantastic! #books #toppicks