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Dinosaurs: A Novel | Lydia Millet
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The March #bookspin list is primarily #tobshortlist for #tob23. First up is the tagged novel. Wish me luck!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
BarbaraBB The tagged book is goooood! 1y
Larkken @BarbaraBB I am enjoying it so far - very dif from my last tob, which was Nightcrawling. Which is good! Dunno if I could have done another book with that much sadness so soon. 1y
BkClubCare I see some past ToB books on that list. Enjoy 1y
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Malibu Rising | Taylor Jenkins Reid
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February has felt a little full! Between a family ski vacation, a work conference in Orlando, and regular work fun, I‘ve been fitting in books where I can. I‘m trying to read as many #tobshortlist #tob2023 as possible, to actually participate in the tournament for once, and of course keep up with #aam and other challenges… but sometimes giant fantasy/horror chunksters get in the way 😆 I enjoyed all of these - and they were all so very different!

Larkken I maybe liked Sea of Tranquility the best - I love to see literary spec fix, and this one played with time travel tropes nicely - but Malibu Rising was very satisfying. I liked the come-uppetances in the ending (though maybe that is petty? 😬) 1y
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The Violin Conspiracy | Brendan Slocumb
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Soft pick on this #tobshortlist #tob2023
I kept comparing it to another #ownvoices book about minorities in classical music, Light from Uncommon Stars, and not enjoying VC nearly as much. Maybe I just prefer cozy sff? Oh well. I think this book felt like a debut, and I felt the music more in LfUS, too.

BarbaraBB Are you reading many shortlisted books? You can participate in our #LitsyToB23 if you like? We‘ll vote for the brackets just like the real jury. Let me know when you want to, I‘ll tag you in upcoming posts! 1y
Larkken @BarbaraBB I had the intentions to do so but I‘m not sure how many I‘ll be able to finish! Can I still participate if I only vote when I‘ve read or tried to read both books? I‘d love to be tagged to see consensuses in any case, yes, please! 🥰 1y
BarbaraBB You can! I‘ll tag you. Happy to have you join us! To be continued soon! 1y
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It‘s a tale of two #tob23 #tobshortlist books! I think I am in the minority with really liking the tagged book that follows a motley bunch of refugees that all become part of a WWII-era movie production company. It lacked focus, but the language was lovely (sometimes slightly overly constructed) and the story(ies) were poignant. BUT am I am really struggling with the next tob shortlist on my list, The Violin Conspiracy!

Larkken Am I right in thinking most of y‘all #tobcrew really liked this one? I‘m trying to decide if tob is reason enough to keep slogging. Or if the fact I wasn‘t excited about it to start with is spilling into my enjoyment while reading? 1y
Ruthiella I read it last year but didn‘t post about it. I thought it was an okay book Like you, I enjoyed his descriptions about playing and interpreting music. But if you are finding it a slog, I wouldn‘t say it “gets better”. It‘s more of the same. 1y
Readerann “lacking focus and sometimes overly constructed” says it perfectly! I still ended up liking it a lot because I found the characters fascinating. 1y
Larkken @Readerann agreed, the characters were all so interesting I almost wanted the author to break the book up more formally into individual stories to give each character more of an arc! 1y
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This was meh for me until about halfway through and then I thought it got a lot better. It was a soft pick for me. Marriages many times fall apart because people grieve differently and her parents definitely did. I also felt like Sally was all alone and emotionally separated from her family and that‘s why she was so drawn to Billy. #ToBshortlist #gladididntbail

Ruthiella I just got this from the library and read two pages. The premise isn‘t really my favorite topic, however. 1y
Cinfhen This is my last one left from the list- planning to read in February 1y
Suet624 Despite this feeling a bit too long I found myself always interested. 1y
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sarahbarnes Great review. I have this one from the library and plan to read it soon. 1y
squirrelbrain Great review! I‘m still not sure if I‘ll get to this one as it‘s not easy to get hold of in the UK. 1y
MicheleinPhilly I‘m reading this one now. 1y
BarbaraBB Yes I felt the same about the family. I enjoyed the book! 1y
Ruthiella I‘m at 70% now and I see what you mean by it picking up. 1y
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Had just burned my #audiobook credit on this when the #TOBshortlist #TOB2023 was announced. I *almost* turned it back in but the terrific reviews told me to listen to it anyway. Glad I did. Carlotta is just too lovable and it humbles me to realize that I need to open my heart and love more. God bless the Carlottas in this blasted world. Bless the down and out, the strivers and the thrivers for being true and positive and lovely.

Megabooks Glad you loved this too! 1y
Cinfhen I loved this one, too! 1y
Reggie What a great review! 1y
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An Island | Karen Jennings
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I had a Tyra Bank ANTM “We were all rooting for you!” moment with this one. I wanted to like it and found the premise interesting, but it‘s another low pick on the #tobshortlist.

A man once held prisoner by a dictator struggles to live outside prison walls. Unable to thrive in a community, he operates a light house on an island alone. When a refugee from another country washes up on shore, he must wrestle with his demons.

New holiday booksleeve!

KarenUK Ha ha ha!!!! I love the ANTM reference!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏 1y
squirrelbrain I liked this when I read it, I think around a year ago, but it didn‘t stick with me. 1y
BarbaraBB I am with @squirrelbrain I really enjoyed it but it didn‘t stick 1y
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Cinfhen I gave this one a so-so but your holiday sleeve gets a #HellYeah ❤️💚Love it 1y
Ruthiella That book sleeve is adorable! ❤️🐶 I‘m down with a book that doesn‘t knock my socks off, I guess? It seems now like the list is 1/2 yeah and 1/2 meh. 😲🫤 1y
TNbookworm Great review, and love the book sleeve🙂 1y
Megabooks @Ruthiella @Cinfhen @TNbookworm thanks for the booksleeve love! 💜🎄🐶 Jena rarely does dog prints, so I had to jump on this! 1y
Megabooks @KarenUK that was such an iconic moment!! 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB I already don‘t remember exactly how it ended and I finished it less than 48 hours ago. Not the best contender! 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I probably should‘ve given it a so-so. 1y
Hooked_on_books Hmmm, interesting. This is one I wanted to read even before the longlist came out. I‘m curious how I‘ll respond to it! 1y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books me too. I was fascinated by it when the Booker list came out, but it just didn‘t quite click for me. V curious what you‘ll think. 1y
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The Violin Conspiracy | Brendan Slocumb
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I‘m beginning to agree with folks that the #tobshortlist is not the best from the longlist. This mediocre entry ticks a lot of pet peeves - improbable scenario (Stradivarius violin hiding in an attic 🙄) and the solution to the “mystery,” which wasn‘t the main focus like I‘d hoped, came out of nowhere.

A Black violin prodigy gets his family‘s Stradivarius violin stolen. We learn his backstory and the racism he faced to get to the top. ⬇️

Megabooks I do appreciate that the author drew on the racism he faced as a violin master. The repetition and general clunkiness dropped this down to so-so. 1y
BarbaraBB This doesn‘t sound good at all! I feel like I have all the good ones and am left with a bunch of mediocre books 😰 1y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB me too!! 😒 1y
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squirrelbrain Oh no, not another one! They really picked the wrong books for the shortlist didn‘t they?! 1y
Cinfhen I enjoyed this book on audio but I don‘t see the merit of being a #ToB23 contender @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB 1y
Megabooks @squirrelbrain they totally did! 1y
Megabooks @Cinfhen the audio narration was good but the plot was a big ole 👎🏻 from me. I downgraded to mediocre because that‘s more accurate. 2.5⭐️ An Island was barely a 3⭐️ why these and not cyclorama! 🤷🏻‍♀️ @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB 1y
MicheleinPhilly I thoroughly enjoyed this but completely agree that it isn‘t necessarily worthy of award recognition. Lately I‘ve been using a rating system of “how something makes me feel” rather than “how well written is it?” But this has been a weird reading year for me so 🤷🏻‍♀️. 1y
BarbaraBB @MicheleinPhilly I am using that system too. It‘s not always objective but it‘s the way I feel right now. 1y
Ruthiella I just downloaded this from the library yesterday. I don‘t like solutions to mysteries that come out of nowhere either typically. But if I enjoy the reading experience like @MicheleinPhilly , it won‘t be a loss. 1y
sarahbarnes Ugh, yes I‘m feeling worse and worse about the ones that didn‘t make it. 1y
Megabooks @MicheleinPhilly I have had times like that too. Ratings are so personal and for me the reasoning behind them definitely changes over time. I can respect this was an enjoyable read for you but agree that it‘s not an award-worthy book. 👍🏻 @BarbaraBB (edited) 1y
Megabooks @Ruthiella I hope you do enjoy it. I had passed on it initially when it came out, and without the tob, I likely wouldn‘t have gone back for it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes right?!? Some years it‘s like that though. Last year‘s shortlist was much better imo. 1y
jlhammar Oh, interesting! I thought this was a great audiobook production and found myself caught up in the story. I wouldn't consider it literary fiction though (more general fiction/mystery) so am a bit surprised it's in the tournament. I think I may have enjoyed it even more because I had recently finished 1y
Megabooks @jlhammar I agree with most (all?) of us that this isn‘t a typical tob book, and perhaps going in expecting it to be one made me like it less. 🤔🤔 1y
Hooked_on_books That‘s too bad. I just loved this one. 1y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books different books for different readers. 🤷🏻‍♀️👍🏻 I just started this that you recommended, and I‘m loving it! 🤩🤩 1y
Hooked_on_books Excellent! It‘s so good. There‘s one story that about ripped my heart out, but all are good. 1y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books it started strong and I just keep loving them. It may be 5⭐️ for me too. Thank you for thinking of me! 1y
batsy @Megabooks Glad to hear it about Jollof Rice; it definitely caught my attention! 1y
RealLifeReading After seeing mostly raves about this, I‘m glad to see your review as I was not impressed at all 1y
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The Violin Conspiracy | Brendan Slocumb
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Purchased this eBook due to extremely reasonable price when it made the #TOBlonglist and now excited that it made the #TOBshortlist, too. Am on a roadtrip with reading time so I might as well start it. (Spent first half of drive listening to Carlotta) #KSFlintHills #theGloaming

Ruthiella Neat picture! 1y
BarbaraBB That pic 👌🏽 1y
BkClubCare @BarbaraBB @Ruthiella - thanks! I took a lot of photos of drive-by scenery and this one was the very coolest, imo. 🌟 🤩 1y
BarbaraBB Very cool. It reminds me of the cover of (edited) 1y
BkClubCare @BarbaraBB - oh! You‘re right! 1y
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I've only read 2 books on the #TOBshortlist so lots of catching up to do. Starting here.

squirrelbrain Enjoy! This is one of the two I can‘t get hold of (yet). 1y
BarbaraBB I am so intrigued by this cover but haven‘t been able to purchase a copy either! 1y
merelybookish @squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB I don't know anything about it which is why I chose it! Plus available on my app. 1y
Megabooks I wasn‘t impressed by this, but I hope you like it more! 1y
merelybookish @Megabooks I saw your review after I started. I have little patience for overlong books so we'll see. 😬 1y
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