"I've come to wish you an Unhappy Birthday
'Cause you're evil
And you lie
And if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
But I won't cry"
- "Unhappy Birthday" by The Smiths
"I've come to wish you an Unhappy Birthday
'Cause you're evil
And you lie
And if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
But I won't cry"
- "Unhappy Birthday" by The Smiths
30 Book Recommendations in 30 Days — Day 31 (Bonus Book) “Autobiography,” by Morrissey.
The Smiths, one of my favourite bands of all time; I love the lyrics Morrissey writes. ❤
#panic #redroseseptember
On the left is the wonderful Johnny f‘in Marr and on the right.....is one of life‘s disappointments ☹️
Day 13 - #Panic #TheSmiths #RedRoseSeptember
Listen here: https://youtu.be/wMykYSQaG_c
#Panic #RedRoseSeptember
What a terrible shame that Morrissey is such an awful racist arsehole. We can still enjoy the music though. Can't recommend this book highly enough to Smiths fans.
Johnny Marr is a fascinating musician. He narrates his audiobook and his pure love of music is the big takeaway. He never tires of trying new ideas and continuing to evolve as an artist.