Just got these in the mail today...my TBR list is getting out of control! #theotherboleyngirl #philippagregory #theredtent
Just got these in the mail today...my TBR list is getting out of control! #theotherboleyngirl #philippagregory #theredtent
If you have a longing to read historical novels, then read an author who knows their craft, their history... I'm a lover of historical fiction and give me the Tudors and I'm in my element...sublime brilliance 👌💕
#philippagregory #theotherboleyngirl #historicalfiction #mustread #favouriteauthor
I participated in a book chain letter and it actually worked!! I love getting surprise books in the mail! #theamazingadventuresofkavalierandclay #peopleofthebook #theotherboleyngirl #hermothershope
Opening line:
"I could hear a roll of muffled drums." #bookgnome #philipagregory #theotherboleyngirl