Day 14 - #3Books #ThatHaveBeenMadeIntoMovies
#MidnightInTheGardenOfGoodAndEvil #TheHouseOfSpirits #AndThenThereWereNone
These are 3 of my favorite books that are now movies too!
OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🎬 4y
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Day 14 - #3Books #ThatHaveBeenMadeIntoMovies
#MidnightInTheGardenOfGoodAndEvil #TheHouseOfSpirits #AndThenThereWereNone
These are 3 of my favorite books that are now movies too!
The House of Spirits. Isabel Allende.
Dedicatoria y firma del autor, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1985. Primera Edicion Americana, Translated from the Spanish by Magda Bogin. #isabelallende #thehouseofspirits #signedbooks #lacasadelosespiritus