My #thebookishbox edition!
I don't get them every month anymore, (it's expensive! 😫😖) just when there are books I'm really excited for! And I must say, I think this is the best box I've ever gotten! The theme was Stolen Hearts Club and came with a candle, cool watch necklace, ACOTAR tea set, metal bookcase slider, dagger bookmark, a Court of Silver Flames shirt, AND A GORGEOUS EDITION OF THE TAGGED BOOK! #bookishbox #thebookishbox
Absolutely loved the June Bookish Box! It was ACOTAR themed and I‘d say they definitely nailed it. The pin says Cauldron Blessed and it‘s in a stained glass style which I find so cool. The art prints are amazing and I can‘t get over the fabric items!
#acotar #bookishbox #thebookishbox #subscriptionbox #subscription
I had canceled my Bookish Box subscription back in November when I was moving to Michigan. I saw that May was their Harry Potter box and I needed it! Needless to say, I am pleased with what I got 🥰 My favorite is the keychain and booksleeve!
#thebookishbox #bookishbox #subscription #harrypotter #wizardingworld
After a very hard weekend, this is my version of self care. Hot chocolate in my mug that I received from #thebookishbox #throneofglasspart2, a book, and a cozy fall candle.
This book took me on one hell of a rollarcoast that I wasn't expecting or prepared for. I woke up earlier than I wanted because of this need to get back to the book after staying up way too late already from reading. Having such a connection to the emotional journal Feyre went through with the emotional abuse and recover will forver make this series such a special one for me.
#acotar #thebookishbox #mpls #twincities
“Hope was the wind that came from nowhere to fill your sails and carry you home”
I actually really enjoyed this month‘s Bookish Box. I was debating about canceling but this saved it for me! Love the Harry Potter necklace and the Priory of the Orange Tree pin makes me want to read the book!
#subscriptionbox #thebookishbox #bookishbox #harrypotter #deathlyhallows #strangethedreamer #mpls #twincities
My horoscope: reach out to new friends in the book community 😍
The January Bookish Box came the other day. I‘m really happy about the book sleeve though it isn‘t as protective as my Bookbeau. My favorite is the shower steamer which I can‘t wait to use and the monthly zodiac sign bookmark is going to be really fun. Once you get all 12 it‘ll make a big picture!
#bookishbox #thebookishbox #subscriptionbox #booksleeve #mpls #twincities