This book got me like 😶🌫️- am I using this emoji right? Lol I feel like I am in slow motion a little bit. i am getting into it but I am not sure how I feel about. I am going to keep reading to see if it‘s just me. #london #strugglebus
This book got me like 😶🌫️- am I using this emoji right? Lol I feel like I am in slow motion a little bit. i am getting into it but I am not sure how I feel about. I am going to keep reading to see if it‘s just me. #london #strugglebus
I‘m trying to stick with this, but I need someone to tell me that it gets better. I love Rebecca and many other gothic novels, so why am I not connecting with it? Does it switch from the neighbor‘s point of view to a flashback soon, I hope? So far, it‘s not what I expected.
It‘s a three beverage type of snowy morning! Rereading Atwood, because I love it so much, while slowly making chili, cupcakes and recovering. Happy Sunday morning! ❤️ #OryxandCrake #MargaretAtwood #strugglebus
Things I have been planning to do with my free afternoon: put away clean laundry, buy fleece for a baby blanket gift, study, be productive...
Things I will probably do with my free afternoon: pet kittehs, read a for fun book, think about making myself hot cocoa but probably skip it, consider what I actually want to eat, feel bad about not accomplishing anything.
#thestruggleisreal #strugglebus #catsoflitsy #littenkittens
Called in sick this AM, but feeling slightly better after some more sleep. Kind of want to study, kind of want to go outside for some sunshine, kind of want to curl up in a ball and read and not move for the rest of the day. #strugglebus #thestruggleisreal
That moment when you realize the book you're reading is 650 pages, due back in 8 days, with someone on the waiting list, and you don't have enough time to finish a book of that size because you're still only about 100 pages in.
I don't normally read books this big, Littens. #strugglebus #oops