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Thunder Cake | Patricia Polacco
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Have you ever made a ‘Thunder Cake‘? I love this story and the challenge! Meanwhile I imagine that the ingredients are made with all the elements of a storm, and that a storm is happening inside the cake…

Recipe here: https://www.mycookabook.com/thunder-cake-recipes.html

TheBookHippie Something to put on the TO DO list! 2mo
JenniferEgnor @TheBookHippie I would love to see a cook pull this off on tv, totally old style. Meaning, you have to be on the farm…go get the eggs from the free range chickens, pick the berries…I think if you‘re testing the center of the cake when the first drops of rain begin to fall, as long as the tester comes out clean…that‘s a win! 2mo
TheBookHippie @JenniferEgnor I can get this done sort of 🤣 I can get the eggs from a chicken and pick berries but I have to walk to one drive to the other 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
JenniferEgnor @TheBookHippie no one said a word about driving…go ahead and drive it like you stole it! 2mo
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Amazing. I was a week late in getting this one read for my twister podcast episode and that makes me so incredibly sad. This book was fantastic! One of my 2024 favorites for sure.

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Eggs Unforgettable 🌊💔 3mo
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Why Does it Thunder and Lightning? | Chris Arvetis, Carole Palmer
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Was able to score 21 of the 38 from a thrift shop while on home visits today. Sadly my childhood faves: rainbow and thunder/lightning aren‘t here and my set was ruined in my parents basement. These copies are in perfect condition, I don‘t think they‘ve ever been read. I can‘t wait to share them with Wes!

MaureenMc 👍 6mo
brittanyreads Oh wow! Childhood memory unlocked! Haha thanks! I forgot about these! 6mo
BethM @brittanyreads right?! I was stoked when they randomly popped up in my fb marketplace suggestions. 6mo
Chrissyreadit 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 6mo
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Eggs So sad 😞 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau @Eggs Very. And yet, one of the best books I ever read. 8mo
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Thunder Cake | Patricia Polacco
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#BookBinge #IncludesRecipes

Love, love, love Patricia Polacco‘s art and storytelling. This has a wonderful chocolate cake recipe.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 13mo
Eggs Love Polacco and have used her books all through the years in all kinds of classrooms 🩷🩷 13mo
Cuilin @Eggs oh me too. 💕 13mo
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Hurricanes! | Gail Gibbons
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I got woken up this morning by this beast coming in. We have very light rain and thunder right now. It‘s been pretty windy since last night. They say we never have had a hurricane coming through before. Ummm Nora in 97… lol. I hope everyone in this path will be safe and your homes have no to minimal damage. 💛

Librarybelle Stay safe! 13mo
Roary47 @Librarybelle Thank you! We stocked up on supplies just in case our electricity goes out. I think we are far enough away, but we thought it better to be prepared. 13mo
AmyG Wow. Stay safe. I just saw this on the news. 13mo
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vonnie862 Yeah, we're waiting for it. We're going shopping in a few minutes for supplies just in case. Stay safe! 13mo
dabbe The weather gods strike again. First, a draught and 115+ days, now this. Holy Toledo, Batman! 😱 13mo
Ruthiella Yup. Due to hit my area tomorrow. Stay safe! (edited) 13mo
BarbaraJean It‘s due to hit here (LA/Orange County) tomorrow—my husband cancelled his outdoor jazz concert that was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and this afternoon we got word that our church service is shifting to Zoom. I don‘t think we‘ll get much more than heavy rain, but still. Crazy times. 13mo
Roary47 @BarbaraJean Wow! Hopefully, it‘s not needed but glad everyone is playing it safe. It‘s been raining all day here, and we are far enough away ish. @Ruthiella @vonnie862 I hope you are all safe and can just enjoy some relaxing sounds to reading. 💛 13mo
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Puddles!!! | Kevan Atteberry
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Puddles is modelling his highway “doggles”, and it‘s too funny not to share. 😂

DebinHawaii Adorable! 🐶😍 14mo
Enchanted_Bibliophile Cuteness 😍 14mo
Jari-chan Awww😍😍😍 14mo
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Cazxxx How cute! 🥰 14mo
LiseWorks I love Pugs 14mo
Gissy 🐶😎😍❤️❤️❤️ 14mo
JenReadsAlot Adorable pug!! 14mo
AmyG Ha! Love it!!!! 14mo
MamaGina 🐶 🐾 🧡 14mo
ericarobynreads Oh my gosh! 😍😍😍😍 14mo
dabbe It's Precious Puddles! You are rockin' it! 🖤😎🐾 14mo
ShelleyBooksie Adorable!!! 14mo
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This was a book club pick that literally made me want to cry. I was not interested in this book and felt like I was back in school being forced to read shit I didn't want to. But because I had declined attending the previous meeting because I didn't want to read Tuesdays with Morrie I forced myself to read it.

I LOVED every word of it!!!! And I ended up being the only member who liked it 😂

#VolumesAndVocals #DarkHorseKatyPerry

dabbe That's just another reason why books are so magical. I felt the exact same way, read it, and then wrote an earnest plea to my district years ago (before all this banning shit) to have it placed on our literature list. Non-fiction is so difficult to find sometimes for high schoolers. Well, back then it seemed to be. 🤣😍🤗 1y
TheBookgeekFrau Right?! I was completely blown away by how much I enjoyed reading this. I can see this as being a great example of how writing can draw readers in to subject matters seen as uninteresting. So, did the district allow it? 1y
Eggs Agree 💯 1y
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