Man, I love this series. 😂💖 #nineliars #trulydevious #maureenjohnson #steviebell #ellinghamacademy
Man, I love this series. 😂💖 #nineliars #trulydevious #maureenjohnson #steviebell #ellinghamacademy
Stevie Bell and the gang are back! This book felt like a summer vacation with some of my favorite people - with a tricky local murder mystery thrown in. (Honestly I would happily read a book full of just Stevie and Nate‘s sarcastic quips about life.) The mystery was puzzling and clever - a lot of fun overall. I just heard that we‘re going to get a book #5 - yay! #trulydevious #theboxinthewoods #maureenjohnson #steviebell
"You have to take things as they are, not how you hear they're supposed to be."
#TrulyDevious #MaureenJohnson #StevieBell #TheEllinghamAffair