I borrowed this book from my stepdad. It was okay. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.
I borrowed this book from my stepdad. It was okay. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.
Hey all. Day 3 no power. But town is down to just 8000 homes with now power. It was 60,000. So it‘s progress. I have 2 of three downed trees cleaned up. But it‘s break day. Little to no tree work. We are all sore and tired. So today is a reading day.
BTW thought I would show off the Little Library. My dad (standing) built it. I painted it, and my 13 yo nephew helped install it. It‘s been up a week tomorrow. And it survived the storm. Yeahhhhh.
Happy Star Wars day 🌌
Unabridged Audiobook (10/10):
I seriously loved this one! Probably one of my favorite Legends novels throughout Star Wars that I‘ve read so far. Sam Witwer‘s narration adds a level of quality that is so incredible; not only does he embody Maul well, but also Kenobi, Palpatine, and other notable characters from the Star Wars franchise. Definitely a one-off story, so don‘t hesitate to give this one a chance!
"Evil is a word used by the ignorant and the weak. The Dark Side is about survival. It's about unleashing your inner power. It glorifies the strength of the individual." - Rule of Two
May the Fourth be with you, you'll need it.
#maythe4thbewithyou #starwars #sith
This book tells some of the history of the galaxy from the perspective of the sith. I think they included some characters from the cartoon, because some of the Sith legends were new to me. They show technology, religion, monsters and alchemy unique to the sith. Darth Sidious shares his secrets of how to conquer and rule the galaxy, and the jedi can only protest. It shows the psychology of the dark side of the force.
A new adventure begins! A story that will blur the foundation of current canon with legends of a Sith warrior. (I think) Available for purchase 10/12 - Review coming 9/28.
#StarWars #starwarsbookcommunity #starwarsbooks #bookstagram #mythology #sith #StarWarsRonin #Ronin #StarWarsCommunity #starwarsnerd #kindle #lifedaytreasury #booklover #amreading