Is this naughty reading, or librarian-reading, or both? #naughtylibrarianstereotype
#90sSpringFling pics : from camping ! My second wedding ! Crete ♥️ @Cinfhen ! Going bCk to UCC - pic with my son.
I had to search ... certainly brings back the memories 👍🏻
HarperCollins Publishers, 2009
A penguin story uses color to tell its story. Edna wants to find something not black, blue, or white and keeps exploring until she finds an orange plane. It teaches kids to explore and the color of the images sparks the interest of the kids, especially when they finally see orange.
How do I find a book I put on my stack add? I‘ve been all over Litsy and can‘t find it!
My NetGalley backlog now stands at 50 books. This makes me a little nervous ...
But ... 50 books!!! It's an actual dream! 😍
#audiowalk ¡mira los patitos!
This audio version actually has both english and spanish so I listened to both. A good portion of it is the afterword which is also probably the most interesting; I should try to find the corresponding illustrations.