Most important book of the season is now out and properly guarded. (One year the puppy made some editions to the pop-ups requiring a hastily ordered new copy. 😜)
Most important book of the season is now out and properly guarded. (One year the puppy made some editions to the pop-ups requiring a hastily ordered new copy. 😜)
For my 7th & 8th months of 2022, my favorite books were the 2nd & 3rd books of The Poppy War trilogy. An amazing fantasy action series.
#booksbrewsandbooze #cslewis #thechroniclesofnarniapopupbook #popupbooks #robertsabuda #robertsabudapopupbook
So I have a small (but growing) collection of pop-up books and look what I found this weekend! Two different pop-ups, one at an estate sale and one at a library‘s used book sale! 🥰 Books: The Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis and Robert Sabuda) & Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll and Jotto Seibold) #booksbrewsandbooze #popupbooks #thechroniclesofnarnia #cslewis #robertsabuda #robertsabudapopupbook #aliceinwonderland #lewiscarroll #jottoseibold