Trying this rating system by https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vcXoB38tSUI
My overview of the rating system can be found on the Pages section of my blog: https://miquereads.blogspot.com
#cawpile #rating #review
Trying this rating system by https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vcXoB38tSUI
My overview of the rating system can be found on the Pages section of my blog: https://miquereads.blogspot.com
#cawpile #rating #review
Another suspense filled book that I just couldn't put down! It was filled with perfectly placed twists and turns that caused my heart rate to soar! What suspense have you read lately? #goodread #suspense #baparis #mustread #jan2018 #booknerd #booklist #justread #review #rating #bookreview #recommendation #whattoread